I wish i had said it before

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"Babe do you think we could stop at a Starbucks on our way? I need a latte"

"Since when do you like Starbucks lattes?"

"Well since I'm pregnant and craving it, oh I could also have a blueberry muffin, that'd be great"

"You're lucky you're carrying my baby"


"Because you can have whatever you want"

"Babe you pretty much give me all I want even when I'm not pregnant. You live me that's it"

"That must be it yeah"

"And I used to be the one who made the plans right? So I think now it's only fair that you do it a little"

"Yeah I guess, I'm glad to be doing it though. Are you driving?"

"No can you please babe? I just don't have any energy to escape paparazzi or anything. Especially at the Starbucks"


I get in the car, deciding on what type of music we're gonna listen to, waiting for Jen to come in as she's doing whatever in the kitchen.

"Okay we're good to go" She gets into the car, throwing all her stuff in the back and setting a little bag of powder in the cup holder.

"Wh- oh are we doing drugs? That's probably not the best idea with a baby inside you. Is that what you were you doing in there?"

"Very funny," She laughs, showing me closely what the powder is " I was getting my collagen powder to put in the latte, you know I never start my day without collagen"

"Right...your colllagen...It looks like coke...babe I don't think that collagen does anything to be honest"

"Well you're very wrong. It's super important and helps your body so much. Can't you see how active I am? I'm healthy, pregnant and multitasking."

"Babe you've always been that way"

"Yeah but the collagen helps me maintain it"

"Alright, then maybe you should have your own collagen brand if you like it so much"

"Right, now you're making fun of me. My kids and I will stay super healthy while you'll be using a cane in ten years"

"Aww come on babe, I'm kidding. But you should really think about having your own brand"

"I'll think about it...I should talk about it with the girls, ask them what they think. I think Dré would be the most excited about that. I can't believe I still haven't told them about the baby by the way"

"Yeah I was going to ask you about that, are you still not ready to tell them?"

"No I am, I guess we've all been a little busy lately with me going back to work and everything. And i didn't want to tell them over the phone, that's all"

"That's fair I think. I haven' t told the guys either, maybe we could have them over this weekend? That way we still have the privacy of our home"

"That would be great yeah, I guess I've been having a harder time  telling people because I really want this pregnancy to be as private as possible? I need all the peace I can get to enjoy this with my family and close friends you know? Leyah's pregnancy was very messy for me, the media was going nuts over pour separation, I was handling the separation privately, caring for Mey, traveling, working...now I just want it for myself. This baby is very special."

"I totally get that, so we'll do it at home. We can make a barbecue, a pool day, nothing special-"

"Babe don't forget the Starbucks on your left. But yeah that's a great idea I think. It's time anyway, before I start showing"

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