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"My god..." I turn in my bed as I can't sleep. My cramps have been worst since the last two days and I barely can take it. I turn to check on the clock and see that it's 5 am so I decide to get downstairs and wait for it to pass hopefully

I make myself some tea then lay on the couch and turn the tv on, trying my best to take my mind off the pain but it's not working and my stomach is contracting really bad

Two hours later the pain is getting intense every time even if I try to breathe so I decide to call my mom, so she can come and pick me up "Mom, you have to come, it's too painful I can't do anything"

"Honey are you sure these are not contractions?"

"No it's not, I know how it feels when I have contractions and this is not it. My stomach is rock hard and it hurts" I lean over the kitchen counter as it tenses again

"Honey it's Braxton Hicks it's supposed to hurt..."

"Mom! Why are you trying to convince me that what I have is normal? I know what I'm feeling! I've been pregnant before, so either you come or I call my driver"

"...okay okay can you wait until 6am so I can come pick you up? Your doctor won't be there now anyway"

"Mom I seriously don't give a fuck if she's there now or later, I'm in pain and I want it to be over. I know this is not normal and it can't be labor I still have three weeks to go"

"Okay, alright I'll be there in 15 minutes"

I hang up and decide to text Brad just in case it's something serious and he needs to come sooner

"Hey, I've been having terrible cramps so I'm heading to the hospital. Not sure what it is yet but I'll let you know ASAP"


As I get in the hallway all the lights are still deemed so I walk through heading to the living room "Jenny"

"Shh Mey's still asleep, I'm in the kitchen" I get in to see her leaning over the counter and holding her stomach "Honey are you okay," she lifts her head up and I can clearly see that she's suffering right now

"Can I touch?" She nods and lift her shirt up. As I touch I can clearly feel her contracting so I decide it's better for us to leave now

"I called my doctor she said she'll be there in 20 minutes and I called Mey's babysitter, she should be here soon"

"Okay well then sit on the couch while we wait, I don't want you to stand too much"

We wait for Dana to be here then immediately leave for the hospital as she's getting worst

"Hi it's for my daughter Jennifer Aniston her doctor should be waiting for us"

"Yeah he told us you were coming, follow me please" she takes us in a private room and asks Jen to change so she can monitor her before the doctor arrives. When she's plugged to her monitor and the nurse is gone, I sit next to her trying to calm her down

"Hey it's gonna be fine honey you know that right?"

"What if something's wrong with her- I can feel it, I know there's something"

"Shh Jen look" I move over so she can see the monitor "What are you hearing there?"

"Her heartbeat"

"You can see it, you can hear it...She's fine Jen I don't want you to be scared...everything is gonna be okay"

"Mom I swear it hurts so bad" she holds my hand as I can clearly see her stomach tensing up "I know have to be strong"

Her doctor soon gets in, then start to check on everything "Hey Jen so tell me what's going on?"

"Hi, I've been having terrible cramps for the last two days and last night it got worst. My stomach completely tenses and I know it's not Braxton Hicks cause I've had them before...I feel like something is wrong with my baby"

As she speaks tears start streaming down her face, breaking my heart as I know that feeling too well, when you're scared for your child and can't really do anything to change it

"I know you're scared Jen but I have the results here and I can assure you everything is perfectly fine with your little girl. She's healthy, has a strong heartbeat. What you're having is sever Braxton Hicks and it's due to the amount of stress"

"Stress? No I'm in pain"

"Yess it happens sometimes when mothers are under a lot of stress or if you're working a lot, maybe anxious about something"

"Well she's been working a lot so probably a lot of stress coming from that" I say trying to convince her too that everything is fine

"Whenever you're under a lot of stress or anxious it affects your pregnancy and your body feels it, that's why you have the painful tensing up"

"So does it hurt her when my belly tenses?"

"No it doesn't harm her a lot but it hurts you obviously. I want you to relax for the next days, maybe take some yoga classes, and mostly when you feel your belly tensing just breath and calm down, you know there's nothing wrong"

"Alright...thank you so much doctor"

"You're welcome, I'm gonna keep you another hour just to see if the pain calms down a little then you'll be free to go home okay?"

"Alright,"  When the doctor leaves she receives a call from Brad and explains that it's due to stress and that everything is fine "He's freaking out" she mouths to me as she's smiling, clearly letting me know that she's feeling better than earlier

As the pain starts to go, she slowly falls asleep breathing calmly for the first time in three days, so I cover her up knowing that after three nights of not sleeping she's gonna need it. A while later I have Brad calling on her phone so I decide to answer

"Hey Brad"

"Nancy hi, what's going on I've been sending her dozen of messages, is she alright?"

"Oh she fell asleep a few minutes ago, and she was in a lot of pain so that's probably why she didn't pick up...her doctor said the pain was due to a lot of stress and anxiety, but she's fine and so is the baby"

"Can stress cause such pain??"

"Yesss sometimes when you're pregnant it can really affect your pregnancy"

"Wow, alright...but she's okay now right?"

"Yeah of course, she's completely fine now, she's sleeping"

"Okay thank God...Nancy, would you mind send me a picture of her, just so I'm sure she's alright? Not that I don't trust you or-"

"Oh sure, don't worry!"

"Okay thanks, bye"

I hang up, smiling at how protective he still is about her even if they're not together, and I know that no matter what's going on with the two of them they'll always have each other.

Hope you guys like this one !!
Love S

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