Chapter 15- Promoted

Start from the beginning

"Hey, handsome." His eyes lit up at my expression.

"Hello, beautiful." He settled my face in his hands.

"So I tried calling you, then I realized I don't have your number. Very, very bad of me." He whispered, his gaze, a wave of apols.

"No, don't worry." I cupped his cheek. "You don't have my number because I don't use a phone."

I stated absentmindedly as I stared at two boys on bicycles, firing bubble guns at each other.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged and gave him an are you serious look.? "I don't need it."

He playfully rolled his eyes at me. "Get in the car."

"What! Alan no, I can't go out. Papa is alone there."

"Oh yes. I forget, sorry." He said and reached for his phone. "Hey Stevens, can you call Casely's Caretakers. We need one at Avenue 9."

I sighed and crossed my arms at him. "You can't do that."

"They have the best caretakers. I'm sure Papa will fall in love with them."

"You know that's not what I'm saying."

He sighed in defeat. "Yes okay. We'll be back in twenty minutes. I promise I won't sneak you off to my house."

A betraying smile defied his statement.

"So you're in?"

"I guess so." I muttered as his lips came down on mine.

We went back inside and stayed with Papa till the caretaker arrived. Saying goodbye and entrusting him in the care of the two women, Alan and I left the apartment.

"So Mr Starvnos, where exactly are we going?" I hopped into the passenger's seat, my eyes admired the leather of the seats.

"We're getting you a phone."


The phone shop we entered was enormous. From the outside, it looked like a petit building, when we entered, it was the size of a football stadium.

Okay, a little exaggeration there.

They weren't just phones on sale, there were laptops, hardware devices, basically all computer devices could be found here.

I snuggled in closer to Alan who instinctively wrapped his arms around me.

I was grateful for the environment. No crows were staring at us. I hadn't gotten over the uneasiness of making headlines the other time, and the thoughts of appearing on the front cover of a magazine again, was suffocating.

And, even though Alan had assured me not to give attention to anything the media came out with, I knew my image and reputation were at stake.

I wasn't a bad person and neither was Alan, but the media could switch up information just to get some cheap popularity.

We met one worker and Alan asked him for the shelf that housed mobile phones.
The man pointed to a far end of the shop, told us there was a sign indicating the placement of the phones and so we wouldn't miss it.

We walked in accordance to his direction, and lo and behold, we did locate the sign. Squeezing my hands tighter in his, Alan led me to the amazing flashing screens of the various phones.

"So which brand do you like?"

I blinked at him like I didn't understand English. I wasn't a fanatic of phones, knowing their brands, the latest models, and all that. I mean, if it could perform all required functions, it was good to go. Right?

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