34 - Elijah

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Imagine Elijah showing you how concerned he is😜😉 (mature content)
You are Elijah's girlfriend. Did you ever think those two word's would be used to describe you? 'Elijah's girlfriend'? As amazing as it is (I mean have you looked at Elijah?) it comes with a lot of dangers. Just like tonight.

Tonight Elijah was away fighting yet another group of witches trying to destroy the Mikaelson family. Where were you? Sitting at home because Elijah is too concerned for your safety. While he means well, it's insulting sometimes. Does he not think you can take care of yourself?

You got tired of staying behind. If you're going to be part of this family you're going to fight with this family too. You leave the compound and head in the direction of the City of the Dead.

Little did you know, however, that the witches were coming for you anyway. As you round the corner of a dark street a witch starts a spell and you get a massive headache.

"Ahhh!" You yell and fall to your knees, cradling your head. You shake your head, unwilling to show Elijah you're weak. You charge toward the witch and bite into her neck, letting her fall to the ground. You finally get to the gates of the graveyard, all in vain. A witch comes up behind you and shoved a stake through your torso. They're prepared tonight.

Elijah sees you almost instantly and grabs your body, vamp speeding back to the compound. He pulls the steak out of you and immediately feeds you his blood. "(Y/N) are you ok?" He says desperately.

"Yea Elijah I'm fine." You feel over your torso and you're healed. You're already a vampire but what was the hurt in some extra help. You sit up and he stands up.

"What were you thinking? I don't have time to save you tonight!" He offers you a hand up.

You ignore it and walk past him, back upstairs. "Maybe if you're let me try I could show you I don't need saving."

He laughs, actually laughs. This is not the reaction you expected from him. "Yes, like tonight when you nearly died."

You roll your eyes and slam the door to your room that you shared with Elijah, locking the door behind you.

"Do you really think this will stop me?" He huffs like he's hurt.

"Yes, a gentleman wouldn't force his way into a lady's room! Or it will at least slow you down."

He laughs and I see his hand go through the door. "Except this room is both ours."

You move into the bathroom to get the blood off of your hands and your face from feeding, not talking to him.

"I will not have you running around like a child getting yourself hurt. I don't have time to chase a child around."

"A child!" You say and "That's rich coming from you. I'm not a child Elijah I'm your girlfriend. I deserve a little more respect than you give me. Don't you think?"

"It's not a matter of respect, you simply don't know what you're doing! You need to stay out of it."

"You let Hayley come!" I point out. "Why do I always have to stay behind? Wouldn't it be more dangerous for me to stay here by myself? What if they all catch on and come to find me? Either way it won't matter where I go."

"Because Hayley can handle herself. You obviously cannot. And so far you are far safer in the compound that out trying to kill witches who will kill you without a second thought."

You take your shirt off and go to get another one when Elijah corners you against a sink. His arms are on either side of you. "I don't think you're understanding me..."

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