5 - Kol

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Imagine Kol turns you for revenge on your brother.


Your brother, Colin, was always a reckless person and you never approved of what he did, but he was still you're older brother. This time, however, he had crossed the line.

There was a knock at the door. You put down your book and turn off the tv. You walk to the door and open it to see Kol Mikaelson.

You're about to shut it in his face when he stops you. "Colin isn't here."

"Oh, I'm not here for Colin."

"You can't come in," you say crossing your arms.

"I've already been invited."

He pushes open the door and steps in. You slowly back up, knowing this is going downhill. Then you trip on some shoes. Before your butt reaches the ground, Kol had already caught you. It would have been romantic if he wasn't here for seemingly violent motives.

"What do you want," you ask.

He pulls you into his chest and puts a hand around your throat. "You see there is only one other person that lives here. You."

You slowly pass out in Kol's arms as he takes you to an unknown destination.


You wake up in a dark room. You're wrists are chained to something so that you're arms are extended out, but you can't see what.

You start pulling on your restraints, but it's no use, you're too weak. That's when Kol comes in and turns on the lights. You shut your eyes tightly, opening them slowly.

Kol walks over to you. "I'm glad you're finally awake." You can see your restrains, which is weirdly handcuffs attached to chains. "Your wrists are so small that they kept slipping out if the original ones."

Your wrists are already red, but he tightened them so you couldn't move your wrists at all. You let it a small whimper as he tightens the second one.

He comes in front if you and grabs your chin. "Am I hurting you?" You shake your head. He tilts your chin up and rubs his fingers up and down your throat. "Pity I had to mar this beautiful skin of yours."

His eyes meet yours. "This is how this is going to work. I'm going to feed you my blood and you're going to drink it. Then I'm going to snap your neck."

"Get your hands off of me," you bravely threaten.

"(Y/N), I don't think I can do that."

You start to breath heavily, otherwise you can't to anything. He bites into his wrist and holds the back of your head. He shoves his wrist in your mouth. As he does be ducks under the chains to stand behind you.

His chest is up against your back. He pulls his wrist out of your mouth then puts an arm around your waist and a hand on your neck.

"I'm so so sorry darling." He snaps your neck and you go limp. "Then again, I'm not."


You wake up on the floor. You can't remember what had happened.

You stand up slowly, taking in your surroundings. You have a terrible headache and you are really hungry.

You walk out and up some stairs into the light. You're not too fond off it, and sheild your eyes.

"Now who might you be," a man asks. You recognize him as Klaus Mikaelson.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N). I can't remeber what happened..."

He runs over to you and is about to pull out your heart. You scream in pain and start to wobble. "Fabulous that your here. Your brother needs to be taught a lesson."

"Klaus don't! I already turned her," Kol says from a balcony.

Klaus lets go off your heart unwillingly and you fall to the ground as blood starts to stain your shirt. It was all starting to come back.

"Where am I," you ask.

"New Orleans, darling. Your brother should be here shortly," Kol says.

It definitely was a change in scenery from your little town in (place). You get up. "What the hell did my brother do?"

"He daggered me," Elijah says behind you. You turn around. Feeling cornered you start to back away and rub you arms. "Don't worry, unlike my brothers I have no intention of hurting you."

Elijah walks up behind you and puts his hands on your shoulders. You tence and he starts to rub your shoulders as to tell you to relax. You're still on the floor.

"Now Kol, pray tell, what did you do to this poor girl," Elijah asks.

"I did the sensible thing, I took her away from Colin and turned her," Kol says confused.

"If only you could practice patience. Did you get her a daylight ring of some sort," Elijah says annoyed.

Kol walks up to the two of you and hands Elijah a necklace. You pull up your hair and he clasps the back together.

That's when Colin runs in. "You will give her back to me, unharmed!"

"Oh look, your blood bag. Perfect timing," Klaus says.

He grabs your wrist and pulls up and over to your brother.

"Blood bag, excuse me?" Your voice is a little more assertive than before.

You look up at Kol, he's smirking.

"Brother stop," Elijah tries.

Klaus let's you go and cuts open Colin's arm. You can feel your new fangs in your mouth and it's taking all your power not to suck him dry.

"No, no, no I won't do it," you say in the brink of tears.

"Then I will."

Klaus plunges his fangs into Colin and that was the end of him. You start balling.

From that day on you stayed with the Mikaelsons. You had no where else to go. As time went on, your heart started to heal and things got better.

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