18 - Kol

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Imagine playing video games with Kol.


You had a long day, and it was finally Friday. TGIF, right? Except you had no one to spend it with. So you sat on the couch binge watching Netflix till someone interrupted that. You look behind you and find Kol.

"How long have you been sitting there like a couch potato," he asks you with a smirk.

"All right...I have no one to hang out with!"

"Well, I have good news for you! We are going to play some video games!"

You cock an eyebrow at him. "Video games?"

"Yes, video games, staring with Mario Cart."

He plops himself down next to you. He sets up the console and hands you a controller. You start playing, and at first, both of you stink, but Kol only got better and better.

"Honestly, I suck at this," you scoff.

He sighs. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He pauses. "Let me help you."

He reaches around you and put his hands on yours, guiding your hands as you maneuver the player. It was getting akward, and it wasn't helping much.

"For goodness sakes," Kol blurts. He grabs your thighs and your waist and pulls you in the middle of his legs, he reaches around you again. "Better?"

You're blushing. Kol and you had been dating for only a week, and you hadn't really made it that far in terms of physical contact.

"If you're not comfortable with this I-"

You cut him off and look back at him. "No, Kol. This is fun." You were still a little uncomfortable, but it was ok.

He continued to help you get better. It wasn't like you had never played video games, but you had lost your touch. The two of you only got to playing Mario Cart.

By the time you were done it's late at night, and you're falling asleep on top of Kol. Apparently, Kol actually thought you were asleep.

He carefully put his arms around your waist, pulling you with him as he laid down on the couch. You were laying on his chest.

He pulled your hair away from your face and kissed the top of your head, thinking you wouldn't know. "Goodnight, (Y/N). I love you."


The next moring, Kol was making breakfast for you when you woke up. It was akward for you since he didn't know you were only half asleep and still conscious.

You eat your food silently till Kol asked, "are you ok?"

You swallow. "You slept with me last night...and then you kissed me...and the you told me you loved me."

He puts his hands on his temples. "You were awake?"

You nod your head.

Kol sighs. "I'm sorry, I would understand if you want me to leave."

Instead you get out of your seat, and kiss Kol. He pulls you down onto his lap. It was so unlike you. Let's just say you two were doing more than playing Mario Cart today.

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