28 - Kol

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I'm back!

Imagine Kol proposes to you in the woods as suggested by @Dallon_Weekes_1213


It was your anniversary, not only had Kol taken you out to dinner, he said he had a surprise for you after.

Unfortunately, the Mikaelsons had been pulled back to Mystic Falls. The timing was terrible, but Kol was going to make it work.

He pulled off onto a dirt road and parked his car, pulling you out as fast as he could.

"Kol, what's the big hurry!" You ask as he drags you along.

You almost trip and fall, since you're in heels. Instead, Kol picks you up bridal style and carries you the rest of the way. You couldn't help but laugh at how excited he was.

Soon a rustic cabin emerged in the distance. Kol walked over to it, setting you down on the porch.

Kol wiped his hands on his pants. They were obviously sweaty. His eyes darted around the forest; extremely uneasy.

"Are you ok," you ask.

"This was a stupid idea, we should go..."

"Kol, you know I'm up to what ever you want to do! What did you-" He interupts you by bending down on one knee and grabbing both of hope hands. "Kol..." Your eyes start to tear up.

"Since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one for me. Not only are you the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but have the most amazing, kind, and gentle personality.

"You've been there for me through thick and thin. You've delt with my life and my problems. You've never faltered. I've known you for three years now, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

"All I ask, is that you let me be there for you. (Y/N), will you marry me?" He pulls a ring out from his jacket and opening it.

Your eyes had overflown with tears at this point. "Yes! A thousand times yes!"

Kol puts the ring on your finger and grabs you, spinning you around on a hug.

Your lips sink collided, lipstick swearing on Kol's face. It was like you couldn't get enough of each other.

Even though life had been rocky, and even more rocky before you got married, you both loved each other and that was all you needed.

Sorry it's short, but I thought it was sweet. I promise the next one will be Klaus!!!! Thanks for reading Luckie Ducks!

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