2 - Elijah(pt. 1)

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I got carried away with this one...it'll be split into 2 parts! Enjoy!

Imagine you're Elijah's daughter, but you don't know it. As suggested by (a little modified) @BlueDress23
Butterflies fill your stomach as you walk into the Mikaelsons' home with only a backpack and a kahr CT380 tucked into your waistband for protection. You also have a knife in your boot.

There was people everywhere in fancy costumes, elegant suits, and dresses.

Compared to everyone else, you looked like a hitchhiker. You were wearing a pair of torn up jeans, a worn out, long sleeve top that obviously had dirt on it, and combat boots. Your hair was in a messy pony tail or bun, it depended on the person.

You swallow, contemplating leaving, running and never looking back. Asking for help scared you half to death. You swallow your fears though, and mentally toughen up, like you've had to your whole life.

Come on (Y/N), you've gone through so much that asking the most powerful vampires ever isn't going to be a big deal. What would your mom think of you now! She let you go, and on your own. So you better live up to your expectations!

You start to walk through the crowd. Most heads turn toward you. As you observe the people in the room more, all the woman are delicate, slim, tall, with long beautiful hair. It made you feel masculant, too masculant.

You had a six pack and we're obviously toned on your legs and arms. Not to mention you weren't wearing makeup. That's the last thing you were worried about on the trip here.

You left your mom, your boyfriend, your friends to get help. You are a vampire and have no idea how to deal with it. It's finally time.

You almost make it to the other side of the room, when someone puts a hand on your shoulder to turn you around. Your thoughts are bipolar and chaotic. You turn around slowly.

Don't pull out the pistol. Don't pull out the knife. It's not going to get you anywhere if they think your going to kill them. Just take a deep breath in, deep breath out, deep breath in, deep breath, out, deep breath in, deep breath out. Now how may more times do I have to say it before you actually do it!

You smile, but you have a bad gut feeling that you look guilty.

"Hello love. May I ask if your lost," a man asks with a smile. Inside your flipping out, stomach turning, surprised that you haven't thrown up yet out of fear. His hand is still on your shoulder.

Does he think that's suppose to comfort me. It's just makes me want to run even more! Men, honestly.

You shrug off his hand. "No, actually. I'm here to talk to the Mikaelson family about a favor. I'm sorry...umm...I didn't...umm...know there was a party." You start breathing heavily and look down.

"Calm down, no ones going to kill you, but if you keep breathing so loudly someone might." You tense. "It was a joke. I'm Klaus Mikaelson. What's your name?"

"(Y/N). I can see your busy entertaining guests, I can come back later. I should come back later..."

"Nonsense. I'm sure we can find you a dress and you can join the party."

"I'd rather not-"

He cuts you off and pulls you along with him through the crowd. "Rebekah, just the girl I was looking for! This is (Y/N). Could you take her, and find a dress for her?"

She looks me up and down suspiciously. "Darling, you need a makeover!"

She pulls me upstairs. I look back at Klaus and the crowd like he's just sent me off to my death. Another man has joined Klaus. For some reason or other I feel a connection, but just for a second.

I'm pulled into a room and Rebekah starts to sort through a closet full of elegant dresses. She pulls out a black dress. The top is a crew neck made of lace.

"This will look great on you!"

She pushes me into the adjacent bathroom and closes the door, but not before giving me the dress.

"Rebekah I'm not girly enough for this, really," you try to protest.

"I'll be the dictator off that!"

You pull off your shirt. And immediately put your gun in your backpack. Then you strip down to only your undergarments and put the knife away too.

That's when Rebekah grabs all your cloths that weren't attached to you and closes the door. The only other piece of clothing you had was a pair of yoga shorts that only covered half your thigh. The only option, the dress.

You slip it on and zip up the back. You let down your hair and put on some makeup. You weren't getting out if this one, no matter how hard you tried.

You step out of the bathroom, rubbing your arms.

"You look..." Rebekah is speechless like she's trying to make a connection. "You look gorgeous."

She hands you some heals. "Rebekah, I don't wear heals..."

"Come on, you can't be that bad!"

You slip them on. She fixes your hair and the two of you walk downstairs. You see Klaus and the man from earlier by the bar. Rebekah continues too pull you behind her, and your barely keeping yourself upright.

"I thought you girls had been sucked into a black hole," Klaus says once he sees Rebekah. "Elijah this is (Y/N). She came here on some business, but that can wait till after the party."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." You shake his hand but pull away quickly, somethings off and you aren't sure if you liked it yet.

Klaus goes to hand you a drink. "Oh, no thank you. I'm (Y/AGE). I'm underage."

"Fine, have it your way."

They all leave after awhile to go talk to other people, leaving you all alone. You again contemplated leaving, but decided against it.

The party ends quickly. You sneak upstairs to grab your stuff and change. This was all so hopeless, you were hopeless.

You change back into your cloths and leave the dress with a note. You sat in the bathroom cleaning out your gun and making sure it's loaded when there's a bang downstairs followed by many footsteps.

You hide your firearm and cautiously walk outside, hiding behind colloums. You sit on the ground begins a pillar and look through a banister. This wasn't going to be pretty.

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