21 - Rebekah

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Suggested by @sibuna25 enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine being the father of Rebekah's child/feeling the baby kick/Rebekah having twin girls


When you first started dating Rebekah Mikaeson you had absolutely no idea what you were getting yourself into.

It was love at first sight. You went on a couple of dates; not knowing her brothers didn't know. You were a werewolf so you were well informed on the supernatural community in New Orleans.

Once her brothers did find out, and you met them they were completely against you, especially Klaus. It was a full on interrogation the moment you walked into the room. However, they grew to like you.

A couple years later, you proposed to her. It was an immediate yes. You got married three months later. Another month later , by some miracle, she became pregnant (just pretend please).

The next day after finding out, you announced it at dinner.

Klaus chocked on his food, as did Elijah. "What?!?!" They had to stop and take a breath as their eyebrows raised.

You repeated what you had said, squeezing Rebekah's hand under the table.

The questions ensued. This included 'how', 'when', and evil glares, but it was all worth it in the end.

Everyone was completely silent for a good minute or two before they started to congratulate you two.

One of your favorite moments during her pregnancy was feeling the baby kick. It made it so much more real, human almost. It brought so much more joy into your life, even though you were overjoyed.

When the time came for her to have the baby, it was nerve racking. You stayed with her the whole time, helping her through it. Surprisingly, she had twin girls. They were welcomed whole heartedly into the family. Rebekah and you named them (name) and (name).

Life only got better from there, And your relationship with the rest of the originals only got better.

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