9 - Klaus

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Imagine being with Klaus on Valentine's Day.


You were cuddled in your bed. You knew it was well past 10 in the morning, but you didn't care. The blinds blocked out the light.

Klaus ruined that when he came into your room uninvited. He flipped on the light and you groan, hiding under the covers.

"Klaus! What's your problem," you say annoyed.

"My problem is that it's Valentine's Day and you haven't gotten out of bed yet," he says.

He sits on the side of the bed and rips the covers off of you. "Well maybe I didn't want to do anything!"

"I already have plans, darling." He turns your chin around and kisses you. "Up. Get ready. Wear something comfy."

You get out if bed, there was no reason to stay considering all your covers were on the floor. You get in the shower and change into some athletic cloths.

You head downstairs with a hop in your step. You can't find Klaus anywhere, but you do find a trail of rose petals.

You follow the trail. At the end you find Klaus leaning in his car and a toy plane.

"A plane, are we going on vacation," you ask curiously as you pick it up.

"No, not quite. Just get in the car you'll see once we get there."

You get into the passenger seat as Klaus proceeds to drive to the middle of no where.

"Klaus, we're in the middle of a field. There isn't anything here."

He comes up behind you and covers your eyes with his hands. He starts to push you along. "Trust me on one." He chuckles. "I'm not going to let you fall."

He stops. "Can I open my eyes now?"

Before you do, he starts to kiss your neck. He steps infront if you and kisses your lips with both of his hands on your neck. Your eyes are still closed.

"You can open your eyes now, love."

You open your eyes and see a small plane with a couple of men standing outside of it with different gear. It's not a regular plane you see at an airport.

Your eyes light up. "Are we jumping out if plane?"

"I thought you would like it." He grabs a your hand. "Come in, we're late as is!"


You're both in the plane as it takes off. As it starts to steady, you and the people helping you stand at the edge.

You grab Klaus's hand, more nervous than you realize. "Ready?"

"Always ready."

You both jump out at the same time. The wind blazes past you, it's an incredible feeling. The feeling of being free.

You both pull the strings on your parachute and you slow. Soon enough you make it to the ground and falling in a laughing fit, you were as happy as could be.

It wasn't that you had just jumped out if a plane, it was that you did it was Klaus, and that was all that mattered.

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