8 - Elijah + Kol

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This is more of a one shot, but it was requested. Sorry it's short. Enjoy!

Requested by @bluedress23 and @zarshii


Coraliz and Zarish were almost the same age, only a month separated them.

Coraliz being Elijah Mikaelson's daughter had her father's smile, height, and good judgement. Zarish being Kol Mikaelson's daughter had her father's eyes, wit, and troublesome habits. They balence each other out.  Most of the time.

This was one of those times where things didn't end well. It was a boring Friday night. The two girls were sitting on a bed. Zarish had an idea.

"We should go pull a prank."

"On who? Everyone is out," Coraliz said rejecting the idea.

"On the witches, duh, who else."

Coraliz's eyes widened as Zarish rushed out of the room. She follows her to the City of the Dead because who else was going to tell on her later or keep her out of trouble.

"This isn't a good idea," Coraliz says worried.

Zarish rolls her eyes. "Stop being such a baby."

That's when she realize Coraliz isn't next to her anymore. She does a three sixty and gets pulled to the side, a hand over her mouth.

Zarish looks at her capture and sees Coraliz already passed out on the ground.

Niether of the girls would have made it out if Elijah and Kol hadn't show up and killed two men trying to hurt the girls.

"What the hell were you thinking," Kol says.

"Language, Kol, please," Elijah warns.

"Father, I was just trying to have some fun! I was gunna pull a prank," Zarish protests.

Coraliz comes back with a deep breath. She sees her father above her, holding her and starts to ball. "I'm so so so sorry, daddy! I-I tried to-stop her...but I didn't want her to go alone..."

That's when Zarish starts to ball too. Both of the girls were being held by their fathers as they cried themselves to sleep.

The next day they're both grounded for two weeks. After that, they never did another prank without Kol.

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