3 - Klaus

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Imagine Klaus falls in love with you, a werewolf. As suggested by @Musicgirl553


Your braid bounced behind you as you walked down Bourbon street in New Orleans.

You were barely holding onto your books, and some rude stranger bumps into you, making you drop all of them. The man kept walking and didn't even apologize.

You knelt down, picking up your stuff and shaking your head. You had no intension if ever falling in love, all men were the same; ignorant and cruel.

"Hey, you need some help," asks a voice.

You look up and see Marcel Gerard.

You quickly answered, afraid he was going to find out you are a werewolf. "No. I'm good, but thanks."

You stood up dusting off your dress and making sure your shall is over your shoulders.

I'm not getting caught. Not today.

You're about to walk away when another man joins Marcel. He must be new in town because you don't recognize him, and you know everyone.

"Now who is this beautiful girl that you're bothering," the man asks.

You lower your head. "Please, I have to go, I'm already late to a meeting, I'm sorry." You lie.

You walk past them to your apartment above Rousseau's, but as you do, you could still hear them talking.

"What's her name?"

"(Y/N). Rumor is she killed her boyfriend out of self defense, but she still feels guilty."

Once you get into your apartment, you lock the door and put the chain on. You slump down on the couch and start to cry. Another painful day has past, and it isn't getting better. It's been a year since the incident.

The rumors are true. The blood stain is still on the carpet because you can't afford to get a new one. You rearranged the living room and put a chair over it across the room. The very spot were he tried to rape you.

That kill triggered your werewolve gene, and the rest went to hell.

You get off the couch and head to the bathroom. You let your shall drape off your shoulders and sit on the end of the tub. You start to fill the tub to take a bath.

You take off your boots and shut off the water. You're about to strip the rest of the way when there is a knock at the door.

"One second," you yell.

You put your sweater back on and head to the door. You open it with the chain still on. You see the man from earlier.

"You don't give up do you?" You say annoyed.

"May I come in," he asks.

"I barely know you. You're most likely a vampire, trying to get lunch," you answer curtly. "All the locals know about Marcel and his crusade of vampires."

"Then I'll just talk to you from here." He pauses and continues talking. "My name is Niklaus, but most people call me Klaus. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date?"

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