15 - Klaus + Elijah

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Imagine meeting Klaus and Elijah by accident + Partying with Elijah


You were helping arrange Caroline's 19th birthday. You were in charge of everything, considering Caroline couldn't be. Although, no one could help you out because they were all to busy doing what ever cliché vamp things they do everyday.

You walk into the Salvator house with a pile of cupcakes in your arms that goes up to your nose. You shut the door with your foot and start to walk to the kitchen, but get stopped.

"I've been waiting for over an hour," a stranger says in the living room.

You turn to the voice. You can barely see them."Um, give me a second."

You walk to the kitchen setting down the cupcakes. You walk back to the living room and cross your arms. There are two strangers sitting on separate couches. "Is this the sorry excuse for a party committee? I'm going to kill Damon next time I see him."

"I'm sorry to inform you, but we're not here to help with a party," the same man from earlier says. "I'm Klaus Milaelson and this is my brother Elijah." You look at Elijah and he nods at you.

"We're here to talk to Damon and Stefan. It's very urgent and they aren't picking up their phones," Elijah says.

"Like I know where they are! They don't answer their phones for me either! Listen, I'll help you, if you help me organize the party for Caroline's birthday tonight." You pause. "I'm surprised you forgot Klaus, I mean Caroline only talks about 24:7."

"She does," he says astonished.

"You just inflated his ego," Elijah says and rubs his temples.

"She did mention that too...I should have been listening," you regret. "But that doesn't matter. We have to put together a party in...an hour and a half and I'm not ready!"

You run upstairs without introducing yourself and grab ballons and streamers. You run back down. "I need you guys to bring in the beer and the keg stand and the DJ's stuff! You're vampires right it shouldn't be a problem!"

You run off in the other direction trusting that they will do as you say. You go to the kitchen and start setting out snacks. You set up the cupcakes but put them away for later.

Next you go to the living room and start pumping up balloons and putting up stremers using vamp sped. You remember to put away all of the expensive stuff upstairs. Forty-five minutes has already past so you cheak on Elijah and Klaus.

The beer was set out nicely and the keg stand was in the middle of the room. The DJ was getting ready since everything was inside.

"Ok, great, it's all done...and I still have to go get ready...and I don't have anything to wear!"

As you run upstairs you hear them follow you. "May I ask what your name is," Elijah asks.

"I never introduced myself! Sorry, I'm really stressed. It's (Y/N). Nice to meet you guys," you introduce.

You walk into your room and start sorting through the clothes you brought.

Elijah holds up a dress. "It's a casual party." Klaus holds up a very revealing top. "We're not clubbing."

You finally pull out a top that you like. "This will have to do. Now shoo!"

They leave your room and you get ready. You wear a floral crop top with a pair of shorts since its summer. You put your hair up in a messy bun and put red lipstick on, then work on your eyes. You're just putting on the final touches as Elijah knocks on the door.

"Come in."

"Stefan just got here," he tells you.

You turn to him as your putting on an old pair of converse. "Great! Let's go!"

You walk past him downstairs, and see Damon walking in.

"Wow, what the hell is going on here," Damon asks.

"Hey, before you flip, they were here when I got here. They helped me set up, no thanks to you, none of this would have been done," you say angry.

"(Y/N), do you even know who they are? They're original vampires trying to kill us," Stefan explain.

"Stefan, Damon, they were both total angels today! Cut them a little slack! We're here to enjoy Caroline's birthday, so would you guys cut it out and make a truce for tonight atleast? For me?" You give them puppy eyes.

"You know the puppy eyes don't work on me," Damon complains. You had a total hold on Stefan though, and Damon after a couple of seconds. "Fine, just for tonight!"

You smile. "I could kiss you right now if I still didn't want to kill you!" You walk to the kitchen, but you start listening to their conversation.

"Trust me mate you don't have to worry about me, I have my eyes on someone else. Although, you might have to talk to Elijah over here," Klaus says and you hear him walk to the kitchen. He smirks at you and you laugh. He leans on the counter next to you. "You're listening to their conversation?"

"Of course."

"I have no intension of hurting (Y/N) or what whatever you think I'm going to do to her," Elijah says mortified.

"You know what I think of you, Elijah. You may be all 'noble' but you're not fooling me. Keep your hands off of (Y/N), literally," Damon days then storms of upstairs.

"Oh, he'll be all over you tonight," Klaus says.

You turn your head to him. "Oh, I know. Don't you think I noticed the eyes he was giving me all day!"

You both laugh. You barely know Klaus and you're acting like best friends.

Let's see Damon try and stop you from partying with Elijah.

It was half way through the party when Elijah walks up to you. Everyone is having fun and Caroline is off with Klaus drunk somewhere.

"This turned out to be a great party
(Y/N)," Elijah says.

"Thanks. Couldn't have done it without you," you smile.

Your favorite upbeat song comes on. "This is my favorite song! Come dance with me!"

You pull Elijah toard the crowds of people against Damon and Stephan's wishes. You start dancing to the music and soon Elijah joins in. His hands meet your bare waist pulling you closer and closer. There was no stopping him now. Let's just say the next morning was akward.

Suggestions still open!!!!!

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