"Mira Héctor lo que encontré alrededor" Another one of his followers came from behind us and pushed a bald man in front of Hector. Hector look what I found around.

"Who's this? Doctor Kurian?" He said revealing the guy's face. Warren looked back at us and we looked at each other. 

"Hello, Hector." He said holding his ear. 

"What happened to your face? That looks like my mom's chicharrones." Hector replied taking his hand away from his face. 

"It's a long story," Kurian growled. 

"You can tell it to La Reina," Hector said. He nodded to his minion and the guy raised his gun across the back of Kruian's head knocking him down. "Put him in the trunk, huh? You two, you're in charge now." He mentioned to his two minions. "Burn the greenhouse down with Batch 47. We need to get back to our core mission. You understand me?" He said. "Vámonos" And with that, he got into the black SUV. The two guys he put in charge went to the other SUV and grabbed gas cans out. 

"Come on, we need to go get Murphy," Warren said after the two left. We followed her back into the greenhouse that was smoking whiteish gray smoke. "Incoming!" She yelled seeing something we didn't. "Murphy! After him!" She yelled after Murphy's body pushed through our group.

"Hurry! I can't control it!"Murphy yelled as he was on the ground tangled in vines. Oh, shoot. 

"Come on. I got up high." Warren said as she started to work on his right side. I took the left side and Doc took the legs.  

"Will you hold still before I cut your foot off," Doc said to a wiggly Murphy. The giant plant zombie that was in the very back of the greenhouse came into our view.

"I tried to save you!" Murphy yelled. 

"Dude, it doesn't care," Doc said. 

"Get down!" Vasquez yelled from behind us. Look who finally decided to show up. I focused on cutting the vines as 10k and Addy tried to take care of the beast. They were thrown back and soon so was Vasquez. 

"Heads up, Doc! Heads up!" Warren yelled over the screaming and growling chaos. The giant monster was right above us leaning down.

"Keep pulling," I yelled to 10k and Addy who were grabbing the vines. 

"No! Don't kill him!" Murphy yelled as the zombie was being dragged back into the vent. 

"Go, go, go!" Warren yelled helping me to pick Murphy off the ground.

"10K, help Murphy! Addy, I need you." Doc yelled as they left. We hot-wired the SUV and loaded everyone in. Warren was driving, Addy jumped in the passenger. Doc, Murphy, and Vasquez were in the middle. 10k, me, and Cassandra were in the very back.

"Well, that was fun," Doc said.

"You shouldn't have killed him," Murphy said. 

"You're alive, aren't you?" Vasquez asked. I settled back into my seat and leaned my head against the seat backing. I was so exhausted from walking and fighting zombies all day. The blasters started out my day and the planters ended it. I took the bandanna off my leg and assessed my injury. It was healing quite well. I tucked the bandanna into my bag and settled back down. 

10k POV

I felt awkward sitting in the back of the SUV with Cassandra and Karma. Cassandra is like my best friend but more? And Karma? I have this weird in-between relationship with her. Karma checked her injured leg before leaning her head on the seat behind her. She didn't have a headrest like the corner seats did. With every bump in the road, she would brush her leg against mine. Cassandra took up most of her seat the way she was perched upon her feet like a dog. 

"Why are we headed south? Shouldn't we be going west?" Murphy said as he woke up from his nap. I lifted my head from my sniper to pay more attention to the conversation. 

"Still too much fallout west. We can turn west south of Missouri." Warren said. "What the hell is some woman doing out here by herself?" she asked. Karma's head fell onto my shoulder in her sleep. I looked at the new attachment. I smiled softly as her eyes fluttered a little in her sleep. I reached my right hand across my body and tucked her hair behind her ear. She stirred a little before grabbing my left arm and snuggling it. My cheeks rose in temperature at the unknown behavior. 

"It can't be. It's Serena." Addy said. 

"No way. Murphy, is that your pie girl?" Doc asked. 

"Pie girl?" Vasquez asked. 

"Boy is she pregnant," Warren emphasized the last word.  

"Pregnant?" Murphy asked. 

"Yeah, like ten months pregnant." Doc joked. 

"No, no. You're not stopping for her, are you?" Murphy asked. 

"Uh-huh. Yeah." Addy said. 

"No, drive. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go." Murphy protested. Warren pushed Addy out of the car.

"Serena! Hey." She said. 

"Addy," Serena yelled in excitement. They embraced. 

"Where are you going?" Addy asked. 

"We're just looking for our baby-daddy. Daddy? Daddy? Is that you?" She said running to the side of the car. Vasquez rolled the window down to reveal Murphy. "Is that really you? Hey. He's here BaBa. Daddy's here." She said lifting her shirt up so we could see her bump. Two little feet pressed against the side making an imprint on her skin. A face then pushed itself on her skin and we all visibly jumped back at the scare. A groan came from my left and I remembered not to make sudden moves.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt