Blast From The Past

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I wake up to a large vibration, feeling the blasts before I hear the screams. I hear people running in terror and I think there must be an active shooter in the building along with an earthquake or something.

The alarms start going off and I hear shouting and gunshots. I get out of the comfort of the hospital bed and start picking at the lock on my handcuffs with a toothpick.

A guard comes running into my room and unlocks me from my tedious restraints. The door slams against the wall with a booming echo as he starts to hurry back down the hall. I hear a torturous scream from him and then nothing from him again.
All I hear is weird groaning noises coming from the hall.

I stay in my room and get back in the safety of the bed. I'm not scared, I just don't see the point to sticking my nose where it didn't belong. Whatever's going down the cops will probably take care of it.

Especially since they seem to think they're so fucking good at their jobs, this should be a piece of cake. I think to myself.

That is until I see someone who smells of rotting flesh, with an arm hanging on by a thread of muscle, start to walk past my room. His mouth is bloody and there is blood all covering his tattered shirt. He reeks of death and filth. He turns and looks right at me and starts stumbling towards me. I recognize him as the guard who brought me here.

His dark hair is matted with blood, half of his thick mustache is gone along with the skin. All that's showing is sickening white gums and teeth.

He comes closer and I can't help but wonder how he is still conscious. Then I see his eyes. They're cold and lifeless. They look like the eyes of a corpse. I would know, I've looked into multiple of them.

He creeps closer and closer but I don't do anything, I'm not afraid, my hearts not pounding. I just sit there in curiosity of what he'll do. A strange sound comes out of his mouth almost like a growl but there's clearly still blood gurgling in his lungs. It's quite intriguing. I wonder if it's his blood or not.

He seems like something out of a movie. A zombie, if you will. But calling him a zombie seems too cliche.

Undead, maybe? No. Boring. Living cadaver, too medical. It needs to be something catchy, quick on the tongue, something everyone would know them by without question.

He gets close enough to me and I reach out and take his revolver from his holster while he just stands there and sniffs me with the part of his nose that's still on his face. Then he starts stepping back and walking away from me as if I'm not worth his time.

"Wow Asshole! I see how it is!" I shout after him but he pays me no mind, as if I don't even exist to him.

I look in the chamber of the gun and it's fully loaded. I finally let my curiosity get the best of me and walk out into the hallway and see nothing but chaos. The door next to my room has a bed in front of it. There are rotting corpses walking around with lost limbs and organs trailing behind them. They all see me and start walking the other direction.

I guess all of them are complete assholes. I think to myself.

The smell is awful. Urine and fecal matter lines the hallways. Flies pick at the meat that's left on some of the corpses. Bullet holes fill some of their heads. That's what must stop them, killing the brain. I look at the room with the bed in the way and realize that it's not there by accident.

I make my way over and I carefully move the bed and head inside the room. I quietly close the door behind me and turn around only to be faced with an unconscious man lying in the bed. The monitors are off and one might think he was already dead if they couldn't hear the extremely faint heartbeat. However I can. For some unknown reason I've always had an extremely heightened sense of hearing.

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