Author Q&A - Closed (for now)

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Hey nerds! So, just an update and announcement for the next chapter of Volume IV, the chapter is almost complete and will be published very soon! Planning to get it done by next week, so hurray for that!

Second, you may have guessed from, you know, the title of this chapter that I'm opening up an Author Q&A for readers to ask me questions. Yaaaay!

But wait, this is different, because I'll be responding to these questions in video form, that's right, me, in a video, probably with only audio and no visuals, telling you the answers to your questions. Woot woot, here we go, time to hear my beautiful voice. 

So feel free to ask me any questions in the comments here, or in direct messages, or on discord, I'll do my best to gather them all and answer them with a video I'll share when the next chapter is updated.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you have, no limit, however, I may not answer all the questions I receive,  just because of time, or because someone asks me how big my tits are, but I'll try to get as many as possible. That is...if anyone has any to ask. Maybe I'm too open, am I not mysterious enough for you guys? Oh well.

Thanks to anyone who participates, and I hope to hear from you guys soon.

Stay sexy!

Fairy Tail: Next Generation - FactsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang