Fact 70

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Regarding motion sickness, Jude is the only one who's had it for most of his life. In fact, he had it as early as his first year in life, and it was so bad that hedger sick just being carried by a stranger.

This happened soon after birth when Erza carried Jude for the first time. Since she was a stranger at the time, Jude got sick in her arms and actually spat up onto her face. Erza has a "close" relationship with Jude since, for after that she was determined to be considered his friend so he wouldn't be sick when she carried him.

For a long period of time, she'd desperately attempt to hold him, even after he was a bit older. Even now, she'll occasionally pick Jude up just to see if he'll get sick.

He doesn't, just so you know.

Layla is the only other to get motion sickness, however she heavily conceals it so no one realizes it and mocks her father whenever he becomes overcome by his own sickness.

Liddan begins to get motion sick during the story, in the third volume.

It's clear that dragon slayers will begin  to get sick at different times in their life. But it always happens eventually.

Nashi, Laurie, it won't be long.

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