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Chase and Basil are two friends of Coladome. However, they've only appeared a few times, the first was at Coladome's wedding where Basil was the first man.

Basil kinda liked Marigold, he thought she was sweet and cute, however he thought ever asking her out would only make things awkward. Plus he knew Marigold couldn't really be in a relationship, and he'd get turned down anyway.

He was irritated once discovering Liddan was peaking on Marigold while she was changing before the wedding rehearsal, however, he never confronted him over the incident.

When he learned that the two were dating, he was less than pleased, only because his first introduction of Liddan was as a pervert. And he had begun  to see Marigold as a little sister, and who wants their little sister dating a pervert.

I hope to use these two characters more, however they'll make many appearances in Marigold Blooms.

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