Fact 117

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Marigold has social anxiety. Growing up, she was hated for a crime she didn't commit, and had a very hard time making friends. This influenced greatly on her behavior, even when she joined Fairy Tail. The main reason Marigold is so friendly is because she doesn't want to come off as someone hostile or rude. 

This was mostly bad during her childhood, especially regarding Tobias's treatment of her. She never got angry at Tobias when he treated her wrong, like on the mountain when they were children, because he was her only friend, and she desperately clung to that relationship. When he impregnated her, he held the fact that he was all she had over her head. Afraid of losing her only friend, she let him have his way with her.

The anxiety died down as she joined Fairy Tail, but after returning to the world in a tangible body, she is forced to look at all her friends without her and it's killing her. The fact that she can't allow herself to remake those relationships is even more damaging.  

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