Team Fairy Tail Sketches

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I just decided to share this sketch with everyone

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I just decided to share this sketch with everyone. I started it last night and finished it this morning. I really liked how all the characters looked and just wanted to share the progress.

However, I also need to Lamia Scale.

I should've done that first, but I started drawing Gideon in this new design, and I really liked it...

Then I started drawing Nashi, cuz I haven't drawn her in awhile, and I REALLY liked it. 

Then I did Xaiver!! And I finally got a picture of him finished!!

Okay, I'll work on Lamia Scale now.

But I've actually been working a lot on the new chapter, and I'm actually a fair depth into it. I have the rest of the volume so thoroughly mapped out its ridonkulous! But it makes writing the dang thing so much easier!

However, all this art needs to be completed before it comes I've still got lots on my plate. 

Wish me luck. Or send me cake. Either will work. 

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