The current state of Volume IV

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How the rest of this volume is likely to play out?

I'm thinking about closing it with this incoming grand magic games arc.

Which means another volume is coming.

I didn't expect this.

So most of the volume is currently being plotted out thoroughly, and in way too much detail.

However, the next chapter won't be the start of the games, it will be the chapter after that.

So all the awesome OCs I've gotten so far won't be included until after the most recent chapter comes out.

I finally have this steady direction the story is going that I'm pleased with, and I'm relieved to find myself at this state where I haven't grown to hate writing this...

I just hope all of you haven't grown to hate reading this!! I'm terrified that by continuing this entire series I intended to end at volume III I'll just be stretching out what was once good until it's so thin I have nothing good left in it.

But, eh. I'll keep writing.

Fairy Tail: Next Generation - FactsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon