Redmoon Shield

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If I had the time, in the future I'd like to write another Fairy Tail: Next Generation spin off about Redmoon Shield after the Grand Magic Games. When me and my friends talk about Fairy Tail, she always points out that she wishes Fairy Tail wasn't so powerful, because it would have been really entertaining to watch this guild climb to the top from the bottom. They kinda did with the Grand Magic Games...but it was just so fast we didn't see much failing. My idea for Redmoon Shield is that the guild is relatively small, so it doesn't have much size, but due to some success in the games (spoiler alert) they suddenly get put on the radar. I would use all the awesome characters provided to me by all my followers, plus I could include the few characters that didn't get put in due to my limited number of characters I could accept. 

It would be really fun, and I even starting thinking of a plot for the story, plus I decided to give it a strict number of chapters, each representing a moon phase. It would be really fun! 

But I don't have time.

I have several other projects that I want to continue...but have no time for because the next gen series is so time consuming.

Plus I'm working on "Pride", the book I plan to actually submit to a

Gah. This is my life. Alright. I'm just gonna write for a bit. Screw everything else. Ima just write for a bit. 

I dunno. Tell me how you feel about the idea, I'm sure all the OC creators would love a book centered around their own characters, and it would be an enjoyable read I'm sure. Maybe one day. I dunno. 

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