Rewrite in Chapter 14

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So as I was writing chapter 15, I got a bit stuck when I began working on an interaction between the character Ellia and Garrett, a set of new characters from Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale.

I kept getting really frustrated because I didn't feel like the characters were being well introduced without their big fight scene that I had to cut out for the sake of time in chapter 14. So...I felt the fight was kinda important for plot reasons, so I finished the scene and added it back into chapter 14. 

So...if you want, you can read it. 

I mean, I don't really think you have to, and I don't want to make you have to dig through the chapter just to read a fight scene between two characters you've only just been introduced to, but it's just something I had to do for myself when writing chapter 15. So don't worry! It'll just make things flow better with the characters.

If you want to read it, then go ahead and read it here in this chapter, and just imagine the song here being in the background. 

Thanks guys, happy reading, or not. It's honestly fine if you don't read it.

"Alright, all said and done...let the first battle of the games begin!!"

Suddenly, ice swept over the entire floor of the arena. To dodge the sheet of ice coming at him, Garrett was forced to jump into the air as ice flooded below him. He looked back at Ellia, who was now donning a pair of ice skates.

"One of my favorite hobbies, you see," she began, "is ice skating. So I find it best to try and incorporate it whenever I fight my battles. Makes things more fun, I think."

She stretched her thin arm out, and a slim sabre made from ice. "Plus, you can move a lot faster this way."

Garrett froze in his tracks, struggling not to slip on the thin layer of ice now covering the arena's floor. With his hands stretched out, waving small circles to try and keep himself steady, he watched as Ellia gracefully pushed herself back, watching Garrett struggle with a smile.

"It appears as though Ellia has managed to put herself at a huge advantage by transforming the entire arena into a skating rink! I'm afraid this match might be faster than we expected!"

"If I'm right, that's also her famous 'Glace Rose', it's a weapon she uses most often."

"Ah yes, Ellia is fabled to be the most agile and skilled of the Blue Pegasus Angels, despite being the least...fair chested."

Ellia rolled her eyes at the comment, entering the camel position with swift precision, her leg stretching out as she glided across the ice.

Garrett began to make his move, sliding towards the balcony of Lamia Scale and calling out to Toni, the small boy who had just finished competing in the first event. "Toni! Toni! Draw me a pair of skates!"

"On it!" The boy quickly flipped open his sketchbook, scribbling down a pair of skates. After he was done, he twirled the sketch around to show Garrett. "I went for a more classic look if you don't mind. I decided not to use straps and went with laces instead because I feel it has a more appealing--"

"Yeah! Yeah! Looks great! Please hurry--" Garrett ducked onto the ground as Ellia came by, drawing her sword out. He fell to the ground, forcing Ellia to jump over him, as to not fall herself. She does a triple axel while she's at it, and even Garrett was impressed with her landing.

After Toni conjures up the skates he had just illustrated, he drops them into the arena for Garrett to catch. He quickly puts on the skates, trying to beat Ellia as she came back around the arena, but he was struggling with the lace. "Darn it...should've gone with straps--"

Ellia came back around, this time kneeling down to be at Garrett's level for her attack. Still only having his skates half on, he pushes off of the wall, sliding into the arena and barely missing Ellia's attack.

"It looks like Garrett's now able to get on his feet with his skates now, but will he manage to keep up with Ellia?"

"True, Ellia is a skilled skater, and even with his own pair he will likely struggle to compete with her."

Garrett got to his feet, holding his boots in his hands, he watched as Ellia came back towards him. He looked at his boots, then at her. He then chucked his boots at her.

"Well, that's one way to do it."

Ellia yelped, ducking and almost stumbling forward as she did so. Lifting her head, she glared at Garrett, "That's a little tasteless, don't you think?"

Garrett laughed like a child, skating backward with ease as Ellia followed him. "Well, what about freezing the whole floor, that wasn't very fair, huh?"

Ellia shrugged her shoulders, "True, I'm surprised though," her skating slowed as she kept at Garrett's pace, losing her malice as she simply conversed with him, "you're quite stable. Have you skated before?"

"I grew up in the north where it was nothing but ice," he shrugged, "so I know what I'm doing."

"Yes, I can tell," Ellia smiled, "let's see how much you know."

Elia sped up, racing into the center of the room, her leg stretching out with elegance as she soared over the thin layer of ice.

She spun around, lifting her sabre to summon Garrett towards her. "Ready when you are."

Garrett furrowed his eyebrows, lifting his arms up into the air as the magic left his fingers. Suddenly, like a storm, a mighty falcon rose above him.

With a light puff of air leaving her mouth, she said, "Oh boy."

She began skating backward, dragging her weapon against the ground as she went. Her eyes followed the falcon, swimming through the sky to reach her. Her expression grew fierce, and everyone watched with anticipation to see how the fight could pan out, having such a small creature fight a ferocious monster.

Of course, no one in Blue Pegasus was frightened, they (instead) looked rather relaxed.

"She'll be fine," Regina smirked, propping her arm up against the balcony as she stood beside Sakura, "this is the Snow Queen after all."

Suddenly, Ellia's arm shot up into the air. Her legs straightened as her body was pulled back by the force she'd carried herself with on the ice. Snow blashed from her hand, coiling around the sabre's blade and into the air.

Suddenly, snow fell over the stadium, trickling down from the sky with grace.

Ellia slowed her pace, coming to a stop as she watched the snow fade through the falcon before her. It was only an illusion, she smiled.

"How frightening, but nothing more than a parlor trick, is that right?" She looked across at Garrett, who was beginning to realize his options had just greatly decreased. However, he still had one trick up his sleeve.

Ellia suddenly came towards him, her skates slicing through the thin layer of snow as she lifted her sabre, pointing it towards Garrett. She moved like a missile locked onto him, moving just as he did with absolute precision.

Garrett realized he had to start moving, but he needed to face Ellia in order to do so. HE began skating backward, his body arching back just a bit as his legs moved, pushing against the ice to give him a boost in speed. He knew it wouldn't be long until she was right in front of him.

It seems that we've started a game of cat and mouse, Ellia Tearm as the cat, and Garrett Track as the mouse.

She approached him, and her sabre began to carry out her more direct attacks. Garrett struggled to dodge the thin sword, as he made quick turns and bent his knees to avoid the numerous quick attacks that came at them. He'd never had to be so active just to reach someone.

Garrett had to be quick, and smart. So as he bent down, dodging an overhead attack, his hand scooped up snow from the ground and drove it into Ellia's face.

She yelped, stumbling slightly as Garrett took the moment to grasp Ellia's head lightly. His fingers touched her temples, for only a moment, but it was enough to find out what he needed to do.

When he pulled away, he came ahead of Ellia (who was still brushing the snow out of her face) and cast his final move.

For a moment, the audience was confused, watching what was once an exciting battle turn into two people simply standing in the arena with dumbfounding expressions.

They didn't do anything, they just stood there.

Silence fell over the stadium as the first minute of nothing came to a close.

"It seems as if...well...they aren't doing anything?!"

Suddenly, Ellia moved, she stepped forward and approached Garrett.

She kicked off her skates, the ice and snow melting as her bare feet touched the ground. She dropped her sabre, not paying attention to it as it splashed in the puddles forming around the arena.

When she was standing before Garrett, he looked down at her and didn't do anything. She punched him in the face, and that was the end of the battle. 

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