Everyone! Pay attention to me!!!

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Hey guys, I'm just gonna brag for a bit. 

So, you know how I have to trace Mashima's drawings most of the time when doing my art? Well...

So, you know how I have to trace Mashima's drawings most of the time when doing my art? Well

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(If you can figure out which characters are which in the picture, I'll feel proud.) You might have noticed, that the characters don't look exactly right in accordance to the usual style, that's because they were drawn free hand!!!

Yay! I did it! I've practiced using his style enough to begin learning it!

I'm no way near perfect, but I've improved SO much as an artist thanks to tracing his art. Recently, all my poses have been made original, just getting the head shape right has been a struggle, but I've finally begun to gain freedom and more skill to be less reliant on Mashima's work.

Tracing isn't something I'm really proud of, as I feel like I'm taking advantage of another artist's work. However, I don't take credit for the poses, and make sure I inform those who ask that I did make the picture by tracing. 

However, recently, more and more of my characters are given poses I've drawn myself, and I generally only need to trace the head shape. Which is weird, you think the head would be easy, right? 

Anyway, my skill is increasing, and that's what's important. 

So the new chapter is going well. It's at 7413 words, and I'm not even done...

But I'm really excited to publish. Plus, I'm almost completely done with all my Team drawings. I just need to do three more guilds, an one I've already started on. I'm sure some of you who have been on the wiki have seen this:

Who does she look like? I posted her sketch awhile ago and finally finished her and posted her profile on the wiki

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Who does she look like? I posted her sketch awhile ago and finally finished her and posted her profile on the wiki. She's my own original character, but she's the daughter of someone in Fairy Tail. 


Okay, she's Lisanna's daughter.

Liz has been mentioned, like, ONCE by Elwin at the end of Vol. II (chapter 24). However, she NEVER showed up. Now she's FINALLY gonna be in series. However...she isn't in Fairy Tail. 

Fairy Tail: Next Generation - FactsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora