Pretty Awesome news!!

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So, recently I've been talking to the user TryToEpic about creating an actual comic for the Next Gen series. 

After two months, he's created the first page to the series and it looks great!

I'm SO excited for this to continue, but it's a big load for him to carry on his own

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I'm SO excited for this to continue, but it's a big load for him to carry on his own.

Having a team of artists who are all capable of helping him would allow faster release of pages. He asked me to look around for anyone who was willing to help, so as my readers, I'm sure some of you would love help him out.

If you think you can help, contact me or him by his linked Wattpad account. 

If you don't have any art skills, then support the artist by following him on DeviantArt (his username is "TryToEpic" like his Wattpad user). 

In other news, I'd like to say that I've made lots of progress on the new chapter as of late. I'm over 10,000 words, so it'll be a long one for sure.

That aside, I've been adding a few things to the wiki, for starters a poll I'd love for you all to answer. It's in regards to who your favorite character is, so I'd love for you all to answer it. I've only gotten two responses before, and one of them was surprisingly Xavier Dreyar. 

So if you can get onto the wiki and take the poll, I'd be a happy lil' camper!

Okay, that's all for now. Back to aggressive writing!

Fairy Tail: Next Generation - FactsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora