Volume III - Chapter 25 - Preview!!!

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So, funny story.

When I came out with Chapter 24, I wrote in the end that after volume 3 was complete, vol. 4 wouldn't be published until I had 100 followers.

At the time I was in the 70s, and needed almost 30 to reach that goal. I figured that I would have plenty of time to get chapter 25 done, and the first chapter of vol. 4 done by the time I reached my goal. 

However, I'm not yet done with chapter 25, and I'm at 98 follows.

So much for that!

I'm not sure if I'm going to change my goal or not, because I was also planning to use that in between time to work on some of my other stories, like "Cheers" or the Fairy Tales story, as people have been waiting for that too.

So I've made a new plan. 

Volume 3 completion is first.

Then I publish the first 3 chapters of new prequel "Marigold Blooms" next.

Finally, first chapter of Volume 4 released. Got it? 

The reason that chapter 25 is taking so long is because I'm resolving so many mini conflicts and story lines that I've pulled throughout the entire story and I'm concluding them here, as well as the big fat story line with Marigold. 

I'm also adding a crap ton of characters, and bringing back some vaguely mentioned characters while I'm at it. 

Also, remember Doe for volume 4. The only spoiler you get for now.

Continuing on, this chapter is going to be incredibly terribly long, and will be incredibly and terrible intense. 

It's over 12000 words, which is generally where I like to end most of my chapters at, however I've still got a ways to go. I'm taking it one step at a time...and its taking quite a few steps.

I just wanted to give you guys an update, so you all weren't in the dark with when Chapter 25 is coming out. Thank you for your love and patience, and I hope you like the art. It's a spoiler for what will be happening in the story. 

Check out my deviant art to see more art released. There's a link on my profile, and if you can't reach it there, then just search my user "Katielove2write" in deviantart, it's the same. 

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