The Answers

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"Okay," Katie began, entwining her fingers. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here." 

Everyone stared back at the brunette who sat at a desk in front of the entire guildhall. In her hands was a smartphone, and a blanket over her shoulders to keep her cozy. They weren't sure why she needed the blanket, as it was summer in Fiore. 

"Who the **** are you?" Was what Liddan asked. He pointed to Marigold, "and what's the waitress doing here with leaves in her hair." 

"I was in the woods...." Marigold sobbed. "Oh my gosh...I don't want to be here! This is too painful." 

"Don't worry, don't worry." Katie waved her hand gently with a smile. "This is just for now. I'll erase all your memories after we finish. I just need to ask a few of you guys questions from our readers?" 

"Readers?" Layla asked quizzically. 

"Oh, right." Katie lifted a small fist to her lips, clearing her throat politely before she spoke again. "I created all of you. I'm, like, you're goddess losers." 

"WHAT?!?" Most said.

"I knew it!" Was Layla's reply. 

Marigold simply clenched her fist. "Why do you hate me woman!?!" 

"Marigold, honey." Katie spat quickly. "You'll get a happy ending, I promise." 

"HOW! How could I POSSIBLY--gah, never mind. We'll discuss this later." 

"Who are you anyway?" Liddan asked again, watching in confusion as Marigold began to wail.

"Okay." Katie shouted, drawing the attention of everyone yet again. "This is how we're going to do this. I posted a chapter asking all my readers to ask you guys questions. So Ima just run down this list here and see what happens, kay?" 

Everyone looked around. Felicity shot a finger at Katie, a scowl on her face. 

"How can I trust you? You say you created us, but--"

Katie picked up her phone and began to type, reading as she wrote. "And then Felicity miraculously grew larger breasts."

And that she did.

Felicity screamed as a giant pair of milk jugs grew from her chest, bra not being tied to fit the size, and coming undone. Zailo imediately nodded his head, clapping his hands. "Well, I trust and respect her." 

Katie deleted the line she just wrote, and Felicity's breasts returned to their regular size. 

"Okay," Zailo continued. "She's lost my respect, but I do however trust her word." 

Katie rolled her eyes, mildly insulted as she had small breasts herself, and very much at times wished she could write them into a greater size. 

"Okay, so, when I ask the question, just come up here, kay?" Katie slid down into the comments section on her phone and began reading.

To Liddan from KittyHoobaDooba

Who's your favorite family member?

Liddan chuckled, crossing his arms over the table after he sat down. "None of them. My family is insane. The triplets are okay, but only because they can't talk."

Katie kicks Liddan under the table, and he croaks out another answer.

"Honestly, I love my mom the most." Liddan blushed lightly. "I mean...she's just always been there for me in a way no one else could."

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