My Sorella's

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I try my best to slide on my Versace cream dress but it's pointless. It won't fit over my bulging bump and I rip it off my body and I toss it onto the floor. I walk over to the bed and I sit down. I cross my arms and I take in small breaths to try to help my anger subside.

I hear Dante laugh from the bathroom and I scowl. "Don't laugh at me I swear to god I will gouge your eyes out," I scream and he exits the bathroom. He's buttoning up his shirt and I can't help but stare at the small glimpse of the tanned stomach that he's now covering with his shirt.

"Just because your pregnant doesn't mean I won't put you over my knee and spank you now go and find another dress and stop being childish," He says and I stick my tongue out at him just to basically say that I will be childish if I want to.

I walk past him and he slaps my ass gently making me yelp. I look through all of my dresses and I attempt to try on a nude Fendi stretchy jumper dress. It fits thankfully but I just don't feel confident in it.

I don't feel confident in my body at all anymore especially as I am now 8 months along it feels like everything has stretched too much and I feel fat all the time. I rub my bump and I smile when she kicks me. Even though I feel ugly I wouldn't change it for the world because being able to carry my baby and bring a life into the world is the best gift God has ever and will ever grace me with.

I can't wear heels anymore as my feet are too swollen so I just slide my feet into a pair of Louis Vuitton sneakers. I exit the closet and I do a twirl for Dante. He grabs my wrist and he pulls me into his front. "You look beautiful Aryana and just know it's taking everything in me not to bend you over and fuck that attitude right out of you but as you know I have a meeting and you have your spa weekend planned so let's go," He says in his rough masculine voice.

My thighs quiver and I rise up onto my toes and I press my lips to his. He wraps his hands into my hair and he pushes his lips onto mine. I pull away before things go too far and I walk over to my vanity. I take one last look at my reflection I spray a little perfume and I grab my bag. I exit the room and I walk down the hall to Bella and Luca's room. I knock on it loudly and then I knock on Angelina's and then Gianna's.

"HURRY UP SORELLA'S!" I scream and their doors open one after the other.

"Calm down were ready," Angelina shouts and I let out a laugh. Dante walks down the hall with my luggage bag just as Luca comes out of his room with Bella's. Angelina and Gianna carry there own and once we're all ready we descend the stairs and we head out to the limousine that's awaiting us.

Our luggage gets put into the car and I kiss Dante goodbye and Bella does the same with Luca. Unfortunately for Gianna and Angelina, they can't say goodbye to there men because they don't want anyone to know that there together because they know it will cause tension. I mean Gianna and Fedele would be okay as Fedele is a made man he can date who he wants but as for Angelina that would be far too difficult.

Her brothers would never be happy with her marrying my brother because of his ties to what happened this last year. They probably wouldn't even allow it and I know they would also probably banish my brother and I don't want that so I have told them both to keep it a secret. I hated having to do it because I didn't want to lie to Dante but I also don't want my brother to get hurt he endured enough at the hands of Gio we all did and he doesn't need to be put through more.

I watch as Angelina and Gianna simply wave and we all get into the limousine. We take off and I smile widely. "This is going to be a great weekend it's the exact thing I need because I feel horrible and ugly at the moment, " I groan out and Bella swats my leg.

"You are not fat and ugly your the prettiest pregnant lady I've ever seen now here drink your orange juice and relax," Bella says and I laugh.

We begin our journey to the spa that's a couple of hours away and we relax into a peaceful conversation. I let out a deep breath finally relaxing for the first time in what seems like months. This is what I needed I needed to relax and enjoy my life again because I can't keep living in the past. I need to forget about that evil man and I need to look forward to the future with my husband my daughter and my family.


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