New Start

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We drive to Luca and Bella's house and the whole ride is silent. I'm beginning to feel awkward and once we stop and everyone exits the car I'm grateful. Bella takes my hand and guides me inside and into the front room whilst all the men go to what I presume is Luca's office as I sit down on to Bella's luxury sofa I begin to cry and my sister wraps her arms around me and holds me close whilst whispering soothing words into my year.

"Bella, what is going to happen now?" I ask pulling away.

"Honestly I do not know Sorella minore but I promise to protect you and I promise I won't let Emilio do this to you," She says.

"Bella, I'm rather tired may I go to sleep in one of your rooms the last few days has really taken it out of me?" I say just as a yawn escapes me.

"Of course I already had a room made up for you after all you will be staying here from now on," She says surprising me.

We walk up the stairs and as we reach the top the men exit Luca's office as I look down I see Luca's brother. He smiles at me gently and I feel mesmerized but his gaze his dark-blue eyes look like the ocean and his dark black hair is swept back with some gel keeping it away from his eyes he has a sculpted jaw and a light dusting of hair on his cheeks and his chin making him seem dark and mesmerizing. Bella pulls me away from Dante's dark gaze and she walks with me arm in arm down the hall before stopping at a door.

She opens it and lets me inside it's all cream furniture and fluffy carpets. I don't bother to look around as I'm far too tired so instead I kick off my Nikes and crawl into the comfy bed. Bella lays down beside me and holds my hand and as my first yawn escapes me I feel myself drift off. I sleep peacefully that night with no interruptions or bad dreams and when I wake up I feel so much fresher. As I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower I realize I have no clothes or products so I leave my room in search of Bella.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and I see my sister along with Luca and his brother's sitting at the table eating breakfast. Then out of nowhere, I see Alessandro run into the kitchen from the front room Dante running behind him. I scoop Alessandro up into my arms and he lets out a squeal when he notices that it's me he wraps his little arms around me and kisses my cheek. I put him down and he runs off once again as I sit down at the table coffee is placed in front of me by the housekeeper which I am grateful for.

"So Aryana how are you feeling?" Luca asks.

"Better now that I'm away from that house thank you once again," I say whilst gulping my coffee down.

"Bella, I need to go back and get my clothes and toiletries as I have nothing here?"

"You won't need to go back at all I will go collect everything," Bella says.

"Thank you I really don't want to face Emilio or Enzio," I say letting out a breath.

"They should be shot for what they tried to make you do its fucking despicable," A male voice says.

I look up to see that it was Dante who said that. He looks at me and I avert my gaze as I feel a blush come to my cheeks.

"As much as I agree with you brother it's not our place now let's go because we have business to attend to," Luca says.

They all rise and exit the kitchen. Luca lingers back though as he kisses Bella gently he then kisses Alessandro and says goodbye to us all before following behind his brothers. Bella tells me to follow her upstairs so she can give me something to wear so I can get out of my gym clothes.

She gives me a black blouse with a ribbon tie at the neck and a pair of matching black jeans. I take the items and walk back to the room I was given and once there I turn on the shower step inside and take my time as I try to relax.


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