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I wake up and immediately begin to look around myself I see that I'm in my room and its dark out. I rise from my bed and the room once again begins to spin around. Suddenly arms envelop me and I smell a dark and spicy aftershave my mind goes into over drive as I look up into the dark and evil eyes of Gio.

I quickly back away from him and I walk to my bathroom. I lock the door, and he begins to bang on the other side frightening me. "You can hide in there all you want Aryana but I signed the contract with your brother so now you are mine," He says laughing.

It sounds sinister and my stomach nearly empties itself. I don't bother to answer him and I just stay there locked in my own home frightened. How could my brothers allow such a thing they were upset when Bella got married, and yet they will happily hand me over to the wolves. He knocks on the door once again and what follows has me vomiting into the toilet which only makes him laugh harder.

"Were to be married in six weeks my dear Aryana so make sure and be ready for me because I promise to make you suffer," With that I hear him leave and all I can do is dry heave into the toilet once again. I rise and wash my face with some cold water and I brush my teeth once I'm done I slowly open my door and once I see he is gone I run to my bedroom door and lock it.

I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling unable to come to terms with the fact I'm to marry such a monster. I feel my phone ring as I had it on vibrate so my brothers wouldn't hear it and I see that it's Bella I answer and I begin to cry.

"Luca told me what's going on Aryana and I promise I won't let this happen to you," Bella says.

"Were to be married in six weeks Bella you have to help me its Gio you know of the evil stories we have heard about him you know his last two wives killed themselves just to escape his clutches?"

"I promise Aryana me and Luca is going to do everything we can I won't let this happen to you were coming over tomorrow to discus things with Emilio and Enzio,"

"Thank you, Bella, I'm really grateful I will see you tomorrow,"

"Good night little sister," Bella says.

"Good night Bella," With that I hang up feeling a little lighter.

The next morning I wake up early unable to sleep and I decide to go for a run I dress in some leggings and a sports bra and then I slip my feet in to my Nike shoes. I tie my hair up into a ponytail and then grab my iPod. I walk down stairs and out the door before putting my earbuds in. I set of at a slow pace before going into a full on run as my hair swishes behind me and my pulse quickens I feel all my pent-up anger evaporating. After running for an hour I head back home and once there I see that Luca and Bella have arrived as there car is in the driveway I run up to the house and through the door ready to see my sister.

As soon as I enter I hear the shouting I walk into the front room to see Bella and Luca along with his brothers Dante Fedele and Lorenzo standing on one side of the room. On the other I see my brothers Emilio and Enzio standing with their men as soon as I enter Emilio glares at me and Bella rushes to my side. She doesn't give me time to talk she simply walks both of us out of the house and towards the car she tells me to get in and I obey we then wait for Luca and his brothers before leaving hopefully for good.


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