Birthday Wishes

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I run towards the car and I open the door and get inside. By now everyone has followed us both outside and they're all laughing and smiling and it makes my heart warm up from the inside out. As I sit in the driver seat I look around at the red leather interior and all the fancy gadgets and I nearly cry.

I had asked for a car ever since I turned sixteen but my father wouldn't allow it he said I'd never need to drive as I had my bodyguards and they would take me anywhere I needed to go and then when I was to be married my husband would drive for me or get one of his men to. Then I asked Emilio and he wouldn't allow it either as he said he didn't want me going anywhere on my own he said it wasn't safe and each time I felt so upset but now Dante has gifted me one and as I look at him standing in front of my car, not a hair out of place and his broad shoulders filling out his suit I can't help but feel happier than ever that he's to be my husband.

I exit my car and I walk around to the front and I surprise him by wrapping my arms around his waist. He cuddles me close to his front and when I pull away we just stare at each other until Bella speaks up. "Right you two stand in front of the car so we can get a picture," Bella says and we do as she asks.

Dante stands beside me with his arm around my waist and we both smile into the camera as the flash goes off. Once the picture is taken we pull away from each other and I say a quiet thank you to him before walking over to my sister. She shows me the picture she took of me and Dante and I have to say we do look good I ask her to send me the photo and she agrees to.

"Bella I have to go shopping I need some clothes especially if Dante is planning something for tonight?"

"Okay leave it with me I will talk to Luca," She says before walking away. I walk back inside with Angelina because I was starting to feel cold and we decide to go to her room to wait for Bella. We enter Angel's room and we sit on her bed she wraps us both up in her warm pink throw and she grabs her laptop we then begin looking at various clothing stores that are near us. As we trail through some of the boutiques I see a dress out of the corner of my eye it's a red shimmering dress made by Retrofete its a Newyork based high contemporary brand with renegade style and I love it.

"Angelina check out that red dress Its definitely the one I love it,"

As Angelina clicks on the dress and I see it in more detail I love it, even more, it shimmers and it has a material that ties at the waist. "Check if they have a size 4 please Angel?" I say whilst practically crossing my fingers.

"They have one size 4 left Aryana and I checked they cant do delivery as its too close to Christmas it has to be because of delays," Angelina says and I let out a groan of frustration.

"Well, we better hope Luca allows us to go shopping because that's the dress I want for tonight ," As I finish my sentence the door opens and Bella walks in she's supporting a frown and my heart drops instantly because I know it must mean Luca said no. She sits on the bed and turns to me she then smiles and lets out a giant laugh.

"Your face fell when I came through that door I am sorry but I had to tease you off course we're allowed to go now of you go and get ready we leave in ten minutes," She says and I lean forward and wrap my arms around her I then rise from the bed and I run to my room to collect my coat and bag. On the way out the door with Bella Angelina and Asmara Dante stops me and he tells the others to go ahead.

"What is wrong," I ask.

"Nothing I just want to give you this," He says handing me a card.

"What's this for?" I say confused.

"I had a joint account opened for us both so anything you need you buy it with that I want to take care of you now go have a good time," He says and I simply nod before walking outside and into the car.


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