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Dante's POV

I slowly rise so I don't wake Aryana up. She was exhausted after last night especially with everything that happened at father's funeral. I walk to the bathroom and I turn the water on to scalding. Once I wash and let the water relax my muscles I exit and wrap a towel around my waist. I brush my teeth and run a razor over my jawline so I don't look too rough even though I very much feel it.

Since father died it has been one catastrophe after the other. It has also left a gaping hole in all of us and I miss him everyday. The pain is starting to show in us all and I know we will never recover from it. I exit the bathroom to see Aryana is still asleep so I dress quietly and once I put on my black Armani loafers I pair my blue suit with a matching blue tie.

I then walk to the vanity put a little product in my hair to keep it swept away from my face and I spray a little cologne before taking one last look at Aryan and leaving. I walk downstairs to see a flurry of activity going on. Luca and Bella is playing with Alessandro in the front room whilst everyone else is in the dining room eating breakfast.

I take a minute to watch my brother play with his son and it warms my black heart a little. That little boy along with Bella is the only two people I have ever seen Luca love with everything he has in him. I never thought he would allow anyone in but he did he let Bella in and it paid off because she loves him back just as fiercely and I hope me and Aryan have that some day.

I also hope we can have children the more the merrier. I always wanted a big family as someone who grew up with siblings I always knew what I wanted in life and that was a wife and children so at least I had someone to give everything to once I am no longer here or able to work. I know I have to talk to Aryana about that particular matter soon as now we are intimate and not using anything to prevent her becoming pregnant she will have to understand it could happen anytime.

Luca turns to look at me and he nods his head in the direction of his office. I nod once before I walk away from the doorway and make my way to the kitchen. There I pour myself a cup of black coffee along with three sugars. I then go to the dinning room and I let Fedele and Lorenzo know that they are needed. They rise immediately and we walk to Luca's office to get today's meeting over with.

We enter the office and sit down at the table. I drink my coffee in one gulp needing the caffeine to be able to deal with today. The door opens and in walks Luca his shoulders are stiff and his face has a murderous look plastered across it letting me know that something is definitely wrong. He sits down at the head of the table and he clears his throat before talking.

"Yesterday after the attack there was a packaged delivered to the gates it was Emilio Russo's head it had a note inside saying every rat gets there day now I'm not sure what Gio is implying by that but we will have to check all our soldiers and make sure none are ratting on us but I have a feeling there may be a rat amongst them as things are becoming far to inconvenient as Gio seems to know our every move before we do," Luca says angrily.

"I will go through all of our soldiers and make sure there isn't a rat if there is I will flush them out I promise," I say speaking up.

"Right well Fedele you help Dante and Lorenzo you can come with me today we'll be paying a visit to Gio's sister she has no connections to the mafia except from her brother which we will use to our advantage clearly Gio cares about her because he has tried to hide her very well but unfortunately for him I know people who are far more smarter than him so any questions?" He says whilst raising a brow.

"What are we going to do with his sister?" Fedele says speaking up for the first time.

"We will hold her down in the cells and we will try to get information from her if she doesn't know anything we will just keep her as bait to try and lure Gio out he has gotten away with far to much it ends now and if this plan works and he does appear I'm going to kill her in front of him and make him watch just so he will know the pain we felt and are currently feeling," Luca says and we all nod.

"Right we will meet back here later your all dismissed," Luca says and we all rise from our chairs and leave Luca's office. As I'm walking up the stairs to tell Aryana goodbye I realise I will have to tell her about her brother. She may of hated him for trying to force her into a marriage but he was still her older brother.

It also makes me wonder where Enzio is I presume they will have him and they will be trying to torture him for information. We will find out soon enough because if he isn't delivered to us dead we can only presume he is still alive. I enter my room and I see Aryana is sitting on the chair beside the window brushing her beautiful long hair. She turns and smiles at me and I feel like she just punched me in the gut. She is beautiful inside and out and I still can't believe I got so lucky.

I walk towards her and I pull her up of the chair. I then sit down and pull her on to my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck and she leans her head on my chest. "I have something to tell you Aryana," I say.

She pulls away from my chest and she looks into my eyes. "What is it? Is everything okay?"

"Your brother Emilio is dead," I say and I watch as her eyes water. She looks away from me and she shuts her eyes. A tear drops down her cheek and she turns to look at me once again.

"Good," She whispers before she places her head on my chest once again.


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