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It's been a week since Dante told me of Emilio's death and I haven't processed it well. There is very clearly something wrong with me because I seem to not care at all that he is gone. Do not get me wrong I feel hurt that he is dead because we did have happy memories as children. But it seems my hate is outweighing my grief and upset because every time I think of him all that runs through my mind is that all of this is his fault.

If he hadn't of tried to marry me off to a monster he would still be alive as would Alonzo. The Ricci family wouldn't be at war over me and there would be peace all around. I told Dante to organise his funeral as I can't bare to look at coffins or flower arrangements anymore. He told me everything is done and that it will be next week and I am so grateful to have him.

He has been amazing all through this even though he buried his father not even a month ago and he has his own grief to deal with. He has also been trying to track down Enzio but he cannot seem to find him anywhere. I presume Gio has him but if he did I'm sure we would have found that out by now. He isn't the type of man who would keep it a secret that he has my brother and is torturing him for information.

No he's the type of man who would probably send us videos of torture and send body parts in the mail yet there has been nothing. It is giving me hope that maybe Enzio is alive I do hope he is because even though he was my brother's soldier and right hand man he was nothing like him. Enzio was always a loving brother to all of us but Emilio tried to turn him he tried to bring him into the darkness and I know he had no choice but to agree with Emilio when it came down to trying to marry me off because if he had of disagreed he would of murdered him and I didn't want that.

So I do hope he is okay and maybe he can contact me one day. If not and if he is gone forever then I will grieve him and move on because I refuse to be stuck in this dark place for too long. My sister Gianna is also gone she isn't at the Russo house and we can't seem to locate her. Dante and Luca have tried talking to my brother's soldiers but they are keeping quiet something that angers me.

My sister could be being held somewhere being hurt or she could be dead. My heart aches at the thought and yet the soldiers of my brother won't tell us a thing. I told Dante to kill them all if they didn't talk but he told me unfortunately he couldn't kill them all because it wouldn't gain anything and that angered me even more.

I look at myself in the long length mirror that's in our room and I approve of my outfit. It's a knee length red pencil skirt with a black blouse and a pair of black matching heels. My hair is in a high ponytail and I have on minimal makeup. I spray some perfume and I leave our room and walk down the hall before coming to a stop at the top of the grand staircase.

I look down to see Luca is standing there on the phone. His brow is furrowed and he looks furious. He hangs up and turns around and he catches my gaze. He looks at me and I see a look of sympathy cross his features and my stomach drops. Something is wrong and I know for a fact I'm not going to like what ever it is he has to tell us. Luca never shows emotion or sympathy against anyone and for it to be all over his features like it is I know it's serious.

I descend the staircase right away but he walks away before I can reach him. He then calls a meeting and the Ricci brothers along with their soldiers all head into Luca's office. I walk to the kitchen and I see Bella and Angelina are sitting eating breakfast. I walk over and sit down and I turn to look at Bella. "Something is wrong Bella, I just seen Luca on the phone and when he hung up he gave me a sympathetic look?" I say and her face grows serious.

She knows her husband better than anyone and she will know now that I have explained it that there is indeed something wrong. We all sit there in silence as we wait for the news. I sip on coffee to try and calm my nerves but all that does is make my heart beat faster. The office doors open and the men exit. I'm out of my seat and I am heading for Dante in an instant.

He wraps his arms around me and he guides me back into the kitchen. The rest of the Ricci brothers follow suit and they all sit down at the kitchen counter. Everyone is silent and I can't help it I have to speak up and ask what's wrong.

"Please one of you tell me what is wrong?" I say in a pleading voice.

Luca looks around the table at us all before taking Bella's hand in his he clears his voice and speaks up. "I got a phone call earlier to say that Gio has Gianna he says if we don't give Aryana over to him that he will torture her and kill her before sending her to us in pieces," He says solemnly.

I let out a scream and I don't stop screaming. I rise from my chair as the tears stream down my cheeks leaving trails of black mascara in its passing. I grab the cup of coffee I was drinking from the table and I launch it across the room it shatters against the wall leaving coffee stains on the wall and glass on the floor. Dante rises from his chair but before he can reach me I turn and run down the hall and to the front doors.

I open them and I run out to the front of the house I then take of running to the front of the gates. I need to get away from here I need to save Gianna I keep chanting in my mind as I continue to run. My lungs burn and all I can hear is my own blood rushing in my ears and the screams of my name being called behind me. My heels have long since come off and my feet are aching from the hard road and the small rocks that keeping jagging into them.

I finally see the large gates come into view and I run harder towards them. I reach them and I begin to climb them. I reach the top in no time and I put my hands on the top to climb over just as Dante reaches me. He grabs my legs but I kick his hands away and I attempt to climb over. I let out a blood curdling scream as my hand connects with the large metal spike at the top of the gates. It pierces my hand and I find myself falling from the top of the gates.

I shut my eyes as I prepare myself for the fall but I don't hit the ground. Instead I fall into Dante's arms and he falls to the ground with me in his arms. I open my eyes and I look into his grey blue ones and I see the worry that's behind his beautiful eyes. He pushes my hair out of my face and he looks over me assessing my injuries.

"You need to save her Dante please promise me you'll save her," I whisper before everything turns black.


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