A Deal Is Made

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Dante's POV

I walk away from Aryana and as I'm passing by Bella I see the look that she gives me. One of suspicion and I just avert my gaze away from hers and walk to my brother Luca's office.

I enter and I see that all of my brothers and our men are here I sit down and wait for our meeting to start. "Are you okay?"Luca asks and I simply nod.

"Right Gio and his second in command Andrea got away we killed his other man Leonardo he will be left in Gio's side of town as a message that retaliation will happen no one comes to my house and does this so two of the guards Mateo and Francesco can go deliver our little message and the rest is to keep watch around the perimeter your all dismissed accept from my brothers," Luca says and all of our men exit the office.

"We have to come up with a plan Luca because it looks as if Gio isn't giving up anytime soon he wants Aryana badly," Lorenzo says.

"The only thing that would protect Aryana is the very thing that she hates the very thing that has caused all of this an arranged marriage if she is married to someone else in the Famiglia Gio couldn't touch her and if he did it would be a death wish then all the Famiglia's would support our decision to get rid of him but right now all they see is a girl refusing to marry something that a lot of other women has done they don't see why she should be any different," Luca says whilst running his hands through his hair something he does when he's annoyed or stressed.

"Yeah, but who would she marry it would need to be someone who would love and protect her not someone like Gio?" Fedele says.

"Well, I have someone in mind but I'm not sure if he would agree with it," Luca says.

"Who?" I ask.

"You," Is all he says looking me dead in the eye.

"Dante doesn't want to get married he has to much fun with his whores up in that room of his," Lorenzo says and I turn and give him a death glare he looks away and I smile because he knows better.

"We don't even know if Aryana would accept this Luca and besides Lorenzo is right I enjoy my own company I don't need to be attached to a needy wife?" I say.

"Right now Aryana is running out of options Dante she either marries you or potentially gets her self and her family killed its going to be her choice and besides the Famiglia's might chose to hand her over to Gio if its better for the Famiglia this way if she marries you they can't do that and besides your nearly twenty three you need to settle down and I have helped with that," Luca says and I don't bother to reply.

"So do you agree?" He asks.

"I would do anything for the Famiglia and I do want to protect her so yes I agree," I say.

"Good we will sit her down tomorrow and let her know for now catch up on some rest it's been a hard day," With that we all exit Luca's office. I walk upstairs to my room and once I enter I kick off my shoes and undo my shirt I then take a few more painkillers because my shoulder is throbbing.

As I lay on my pillow I think of how Aryana is going to react when she finds out she is to marry me tomorrow. Will she be happy or sad will she hate me god only knows. But what I do know is that I feel a little happy knowing she is going to be mine because there is an attraction there and I cannot wait to explore it.


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