Marriage Proposal

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I awake from a yet another restless night's sleep and all I want to do is go for a run but I know I won't be allowed to so instead I take a cold shower to wake myself up and then I paint on my happy face with expensive brand makeup. Then I dress in a festive red pencil skirt with a white blouse I pair it with my two-toned red and black Louboutins and I exit my room and make my way downstairs.

Once there I hear raised voices coming from inside Luca's office it is Bella and Luca arguing but I don't want to pry so I walk past the office and into the kitchen. It's only the cook Luna and the nanny she's holding Alessandro whilst she feeds him and he looks adorable as he holds onto his little bottle with his chubby hands.

I sit down and Luna places a plate of fruit a croissant and some coffee down in front of me and I am eternally grateful as my stomach chooses that minute to rumble. I take a bite of my croissant just as Bella walks into the kitchen she looks at me and I see her face is a flush with what I presume is anger.

"Luca wants to see you and just know this had nothing to do with me but I support his decision," She says and I wonder what she means. I rise from the table and I feel as if I am about to pass out as I walk to Luca's office what could he possibly have planned for me. I hope and pray he isn't giving me to Gio because I don't know what I'd do if he did.

I knock gently and he tells me to come in. I open the door and I walk inside I see that its just Luca and Dante inside and I begin to feel even worse. I sit down in the chair across from Luca and he looks me over I feel sweat beginning to bead on my brow and I suddenly feel nauseous.

"Calm down Aryana its nothing to be afraid of you mightn't like what I have to say but right now it's your only option to keep you and our Famiglia safe I do not want to go to war especially as the outcome could be the same in the end anyway depending on what the other Famiglia's decide," He says.

"So what is it you have to tell me? Please don't say you're giving me over to Gio he will kill me and do things worser than death," I say nearly sobbing now.

"I am not giving you to Gio I am giving you to Dante here he will marry you and he will protect you it's your only option Aryana if you marry Dante the other Famiglia's will support our decision when the time comes they will then be happy for us to kill Gio as he cannot try to take or hurt another made mans wife so what do you say?" He says completely shocking me.

I look behind me at Dante and he just stares at me emotionless. "Are you happy about this?" I ask shocked he's being so calm.

"Anything that helps the Famiglia I am happy with besides I needed to settle down eventually and now seems to be the right time I will protect you and look after you Aryana I promise," He says and I know he is telling the truth I can see it in his eyes.

I look away from him and I think over it in my head. I become a Ricci I marry Dante someone who won't be cruel to me someone I hope can learn to love me or I get tossed back to Gio.

"I'll do it I will marry Dante," I say.

"Good the wedding will be in eight weeks that gives you plenty of time you will be eighteen then and you'll be graduated we will set the date and get the contract signed as soon as possible," Luca says and I simply nod before exiting the office.


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