The Beginning

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Aryana's POV

I am sitting with my sister Gianna reading through her homework that her tutor gave her when my brother Emilio walks in to the front room. His shoulders are stiff and I know something is wrong. Both of my brothers have become so detached from everything since our parents where murdered it is like they also died.

We do not laugh or joke anymore like we used to instead it is like we are living solemnly all the time. The house is far to big and miserable for only four people to live here. I tried to get them to sell and for us to move in to something smaller but they wouldn't allow it.

My brother had his chance to take over the north side after father died but he gave it to Luca. He is still apart of everything as is Enzio but they prefer to not have full control. They wanted the freedom to be able to come and go as they please and I understand that.

"Bella I need to talk to you so will you come to the office" Emilio says and I nod.

I follow behind him to the office and I step inside. Enzio is already sitting drinking a whiskey and as I sit down in a chair Emilio also pours himself one. He then sits across from me in the seat father used to sit in and it makes me feel slightly emotional. He looks so much like father as well and it adds to it.

"Why did you want to see me is there something wrong?" I say.

"Aryana I have been speaking with one of my business partners and we have come to a agreement you will be married to him in the next few weeks it must be done as we must join forces and merge it will mean more business for both of us and it will mean I can expand fathers business and make him proud you want that don't you?" He says and I nod.

"Who is this man I am to marry?" I say as my heart begins to beat frantically as sweat forms on my brow.

"His name is Gio Francini you might have met him before as he has been to fathers party's" He says and my heart shatters in my chest.

"Gio Francini is thirty five and he is known to be very cruel you cannot possibly expect me to marry him? I will not do it!" I say and I watch as he becomes angry.

He stands and walks around the desk. He slaps me hard across the face and my neck jerks to the side with the force. I look at Enzio for help but he just looks away. In all my years my brother has never hit me once. We used to be a good family a relatively happy one and now we are just broken.

I rub my face gently and I look back to Emilio. "You will marry him and you will act as if you are happy we need this deal to go through now go to bed you need rest as you meet him tomorrow" He says and I run out and up to my room.

I cry myself to sleep as thoughts of cruel torture give me nightmares all night making trying to sleep pointless.


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