Hello, Sorella

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I slowly open my eyes and pain instantly hits me. I groan out as I try to move around but my hands and feet are still bound together. I decide to just lay there for a little while with my eyes shut as I will the pain to leave my body. My head is literally aching and I can feel the dried blood on my forehead from the cut that has been left behind from being hit with that gun.

I begin to hear small whimpers and I begin to think I'm imagining it. I then start to hear my name being whispered and I open my eyes instantly I begin to look around the dark and dirty cell that I'm being held in and it's then I see her. She's huddled into a corner and her dark chestnut coloured hair is plastered against her dirty bloodied body. She's naked and I can see the cuts and bruises from here.

My heart sinks and I let out a painful cry as I realise that Gianna is in a much worser way than I expected. The tears roll down my cheeks as I attempt to crawl to her. I manage to make it half way and she reaches me by crawling the rest of the way. Her hands aren't bound and she puts her arms around me and she pulls me into her chest where she begins to sob loudly.

We don't let each other go we just stay locked together. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry that this has happened to you because of me," I whisper with a shaky voice.

She pulls away from me and she looks into my eyes. Her brown ones that used to be full of so much love and playfulness is now dulled with pain and suffering. She places her hand on the side of my face and she smiles gently. "It is not your fault Sorella, Gio is a very very sick man," She says with a shudder before continuing.

"None of this was your fault, If Emilio hadn't of promised you to such a man none of us would be in this situation he is no longer with us and I am grateful for that because this is all his fault," She cries gently.

"I know he isn't with us anymore, But where is Enzio? I thought he would of protected you at the very least," I say my voice now sounding scratchy from all the crying and screaming.

"They have him here Aryana, They have been torturing him for information but I don't think he has told them anything they just enjoy his screams of pain it amuses them," She whispers whilst looking away shame evident on her features.

I put my hand under her chin and I raise her head up to look at me. Her eyes lock onto mine and I lean forward and kiss her forehead. "What did they do to you Gianna?" I ask needing to know. I need to know what they did so I can make them suffer I need to hear it myself instead of from Gio or his men.

Her bottom lip quivers and tears fall from her eyes. "They didn't do anything at first they just kept me in here and they wouldn't feed me or give me water, Then each day that passed it was as if Gio got madder and madder because you wouldn't come to him and the last few days have been the worst he has beat me and tortured me," She says full out crying by the end.

"Is that it Gianna?" I ask needing to know if he has destroyed my sister in more than one way. She shakes her head letting me know there is more. "He raped me Aryana, He has stolen everything from me," She says on a sob.

My heart shatters into my chest as the words register with me. That animal has taken everything from my sister. He has ruined her and I plan to get revenge on that bastarda if it's the last thing I do. I hold my sister as best I can whilst she cries into my shoulder. Sobs wrack her body and mine and as we cry together I realise that I have to be the strong one.

I need to pull myself together if I am going to get us out of this. I need to protect my sister because she has been through stuff no woman ever deserves to endure. I'm brought out of my thoughts when the door suddenly opens. I look up to see Gio standing there with his phone pointed at us. He takes a photo and the flash blinds me.

"Let's see how your husband likes this shall we my sweet Aryana," He says with a smirk that leaves me shivering.

He exits the room and he shuts the door behind him with a slam. I hear the lock being put back into it's place and my heart sinks at that but I don't let it show. I just smile lightly at Gianna and I lay down so she can rest her head on me. I don't care about the discomfort that I am in or the fact that my spine is aching from the hard floor all I care about is the fact that Gianna fell fast asleep as soon as she laid on me.


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