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I exit the bathroom and I see that Gio is now gone. Miriam is still busy packing up her stuff and I sit down on the bed beside her. I touch her arm and she turns to look at me. "Thank you for looking after me and my baby," I say and she looks as if she is about to cry.

She looks all around her and then she lowers her lips to my ear. "Dante is coming for you he will be here tonight at midnight be ready," She whispers before pulling away.

She grabs her now packed bags and she rushes out the door all the while my heart is beating against my chest. I lay down and look at the ceiling and I feel like crying tears of joy. He has found me finally he is coming for me and I'm just greatful that Miriam helped him.

I look at the clock and I see it's only two in the afternoon and I nearly scream. I need out of here as soon as possible and midnight can't come soon enough. The door opens and Gio walks in he sits at the bottom of my bed and I rise to look at him.

"You will not embarrass me like that again or I will take that child away from you once it's born and I will kill you do you understand puttana?" He says in a vicious voice.

He turns to me and before I can answer he is on me. He's on top of me and he has me pinned to the bed. He brings his knee in-between my legs and he pries them open. He brings his mouth to my neck and he bites into the flesh there hard and I let out a scream. He quickly covers my mouth with his hand and tears leak from my eyes.

As Gio's hands roam my body all I can think is that it's too late. He is about to rape me and take away my last little bit of decency and hope and he's about to ruin my life even more than he has. He will ruin me for Dante and all I will be is a shell of a woman like my sister probably is.

I try to fight him but it's useless his mouth covers mine and as he pushes his tongue into my mouth I bite down hard. He tries to pull away but I don't let him I bite harder and I pull with all my might. I feel his tongue come undone and blood drips into my mouth and onto my face. He pulls away and he lets out a scream but I get up fast.

I knee him in the groin and he falls to the floor. I reach around him and I grab his gun but he pulls my leg making me fall. He tries to grab me but I'm faster especially as he is trying to hold his mouth and stop the bleeding. I quickly grab the vase from the bed side and I hit him over the head. He falls to the floor and he passes out. I look at the broken shards around me and I grab the biggest piece.

I look at Gio's body and then back to the piece of broken vase in my hand and I know what I have to do. I have to protect me and my baby I have to protect my family and I have to end this once and for all because this utter hell started with me and it's my burden and I need to make it stop. I raise my hand and then I plunge the broken vase into his neck and I don't stop until his neck is ripped open and bleeding.

There are chunks of flesh laying around him and there is blood squirting every where. I feel for a pulse and I don't find one. I let out a breath and I rise my head to the sky and I apologise to god for doing such a thing even though I had to. I rise on shaky legs and I quickly walk to my drawers and put on a hoodie to cover my blooded T-shirt. I then quickly slip on a pair of jeans and I then walk to the sink and I wash my hands and my face.

I pull my hood on and I exit the bathroom. I take one final look at Gio's body and then I exit the room. I look up and down the hall and once I see that it's clear I run. I run down the hall and then down the stairs until I reach the door where the cells are. I then quickly open it and I make my way down into the darkness where I was kept for a month.

I walk quietly to my brothers cell and I let out a breath when I see he is still alive. I then run to the wall and I collect the keys. I have to try a few before I find the right one and I even have to stop a few times because I think I hear footsteps but I manage to open it. I run inside and I quickly slap him and he wakens.

I tell him to follow and we make our way out of the cell and I grab the keys. We run to the door that's attached to the cells. It's one that takes you to the woods. It's basically an underground tunnel and once we get to the end of it we will be free.


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