95% Mr. Hollings. 95% of your earning's in connection to this book you'll wire. I don't have the fund's.

Clarence removed a manilla envelope with the thief's financial portfolio and net worth.

I did my homework Mr.?--


You had quite the inheritance fifty million from trust? That has nothing to do with the book Mr. Hollings

Mr. Deveraux I don't care where you get the money as long as you pay. This book was written by our ancestor who lost the book escaping slavery.

He was with Harriet Tubman at the time the book dropped in the river floating down stream.

My Uncle went after the book subsequently loosing his wife and child in the process.

For you a white man to steal the work of an accomplished writer pawning it as your own is despicable Deveraux.

If you don't have the money by one p.m tomorrow this is the letter I'll send the New York & Chicago Sun Times exposing you as the plagiarist, liar and Charlatan you are. The book thief nervously fine combed his situation.

Be careful of the word's that escape you Deveraux this can be a quiet or sordid affair.

You will not write any sequel's if a movie is made all monies will be donated to this charity Clarence handed him the name of their non profit owned by Blaise and Caleb.
What say you Deveraux?

It seems you have me at a disadvantage Mr. Hollings.

I have a question Caleb interjected, Where did you find the original manuscript?

Georgia digging the ground's on my property to create a coy fish pond the book and everything with it deep under ground covered in brick's and mud.

It was wrapped in burlap which preserved the book in the leather binding well over the year's.

My grandfather mentioned photo's in the book do you have them Deveraux? I do Caleb they're in my car along with the original manuscript would you like me to fetch them sir?


Rosemary unlocked the door walking Deveraux to his car returning with picture's in an envelope and the other item's.

Caleb opened his leather satchel putting them inside without looking at them.

May I have those back Mr. Hollings? They don't belong to you Deveraux they're family heirlooms.

It's settled Deveraux, if you fail to keep your agreement you know what follows.

I'll visit your wife and the children, I won't be civil are we on the same page Deveraux? Threat's aren't necessary Mr. Hollings.

Clarence turned to Caleb in shock did you hear a threat Caleb? I didn't Mr. Hollings.

Mr. Deveraux Clarence extended his hand Deveraux ignored it. Goodnight Rosemary.

Caleb kissed Rosemary I'll call you baby.

The vampire's entered the limosine Clarence didn't ask to see the photo's even though he was excited too.

They arrived at Niarchos' house Caleb was crying hugging Clarence
that's why I love you and I couldn't ask anyone to handle it better thank you old friend.

It's fine brother I'm sorry this happened but I'm glad you got your book back.

Clarence? Be careful with this land business these people are wicked they mean business about twin oak's don't under estimate them. What have you seen Caleb?

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Where stories live. Discover now