The wedding crashers part 1

Start from the beginning

"Come on Luna try some! U hardly even touched ur food!" Beth said

"I'm not a big fan of meat loaf."

"Wat well u don't know great meat loaf until u had my moms! Here try some." beth said grab my fork and putting meat loaf on it.
"I can feed my self thank u!" I replied.

"U can but apparently Isaac can't!" Kiss said with a discussed look on her face as she chuckled. Angela and Isaac were feeding each other but nothing wrong with that.
"Ok wats wrong with that?" Jordan said as he fed eva to make a point. eva started to dance in her seat.

"Haha!! Lol! Look at Isaac!" Kiss laughed. we all turned around and saw Isaac dancing like a idiot! We all started laughing, so was Angela as she fell out of her chair and rolled on the floor laughing. after a few seconds Isaac realize that his wife was on the floor and helped her up.

"Wat was Isaac doing?" Kiss asked

"His happy meat loaf dance....he does that when he's happy.....well we all do." Jordan replied.

"Ok.....are u happy?"

"Actually yes!" He replied dancing alittle bit

"Oooo i want to see u dance!!"i screamed it would be funny to see all if them dancing. lol Isaac is dancing again!

"Ok we will make a deal, if u take a big bit of mom's meat loaf u can see as dance on the dance floor." beth said Jordan and Cierra dropped there forks and gave her a look and there was a Exchange of faces for a sec, then jordan and Cierra said "fine" Bethany turned around look at Isaac all i hear him was say "wat? Ok! Eat the meat loaf if u a good laugh!" Oh i get it they were talking telepathically,that make sense!

"Ok I'm going to do it! Here i go! I'm going to eat it!" I said as i slowly lifted the a fork full of meat loaf to my mouth, suddenly i felt my self forcefully eating the the meat loaf.
"Dang it isaac!" I said with a mouth full of meat loaf

"Oh that wasn't Isaac, it was me i super ran and forced u to eat it." Jordan replied.

"So....wat do u think? If u like i'll even make Jordan sing his meat loaf song!" Isaac said as he approached us. Jordan gave isaac a death stare I grabbed another helping of meat loaf....omgs!!!
"Wow!! This's delicious!!" I said as i started to dance. man this is good!!

"Yes!! We told u!" Beth said

"Well a deal is a deal! Come on guys!" jordan said as he grabbed a huge fork full of meat loaf and danced towards the dance floor as his sibs do the same.

"Oh this is going to be good!" Kiss said as she turned her chair sideways to watch them.
"Give me the camera!" Eva said
"Hey jordan this is going on YouTube do u want to say a few words?" Kiss asked. Jordan ran back over to us grabbed his camera and started recording. "hi everyone okay luna...doesn't like meat loaf. so my sister Bethany said if luna was to eat the food and like it we would all do our meat loaf dances.....yeah thats probably the weirdest thing you've heard on this channel......ever! Well she ate it and liked it...well...loved it as u see she's eating it right now. so me and my sibs are going to dance like idiots for hers and ur enjoyment. we go!" He said as he aimed the camera at him with us in the background. Jordan gave eva the camera "ok, if We're doing this we'll need u to help me us by giving us meat when we ask u." Jordan said

"I'll do it give me front row seats." eva said as she gave me the camera, grabbed his plate and followed him to the dance area.

This is a weird chapter!

(Francine's POV one of the girls that was in the first part of the story)
Me and my Bff got in we ran into this really nice woman who gave us free dresses to wear, told us to call as her mama friend and said the people we are looking for are in here. I don't understand why but anyways... As soon as we walked in we see food! Lots and lot and lots of food!!

"Come on Kyara free food!" I said as we ran to the food and put lots of it on a plate.
"Omgs!! omgs!!" Kyara screamed as she ran to a table with lots of sweets on it.


"Look!!! Sweet sweets!! Maybe there is candy!"

"Fine go ahead but remember no candy!"

"Fine!!! Hey wats going on over there?"

"Are they dancing?"

"They look so stupid!!"

"Ikr! Im going to get a better view brb. man this meat loaf is good!!!"i screamed as i grabbed a pole and checked it out. hey this looks like a great place for parkour!! I started climbing to get a better view, i also was able to hear one of them singing. There is great acoustic up here!
(Luna's POV)
Im laughing my butt off!! Im crying man! And so is everyone in the room.
"Meat loaf is good so yummy in my tummy. especially when it's made from my mummy. going to get some meat loaf, oh how i love my meat loaf!! Going to eat as much i can. and stuff it in my mouth! Meat loaf! Oh how i love my meat loaf!! Just give me my meat! Oh i love meat loaf!!" Jordan sang and then repeated. I aimed The camera at me and said "kid don't do macaroni!" Then Angela grabbed the camera and said "Or meat loaf, or that will happen to u." She said as she pointed the camera back at Jordan and his sibs.
I notice something weird when I looked the table of sweets. Some girl in a purple dress was there eating all the sweets! And a girl parkouring on the chandeliers!

"Um Angela do u know them?" i said as I pointed to the two girls.

" maybe Isaac does? I'll ask" she said as she gave me the camera again. she goes to Isaac who at first didn't see her, he stopped dancing a little bit and looked towards the too girl and shook his head no. Angela comes back to me and saids "he said no and so did jordan and the rest of the sibs." Isaac started dancing again.

"So we have wedding crashers?" I replied.

"Yep!" Angela replied

Ok i need to sleep. sorry for the weird chapter I'm just in a weird mood.

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