Join us!!! Sally's pov

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(Ok there was music that i wanted you to play while you were reading this. But, wattpad won't let me due to it be band in Germany! So please just look up fools gold by Colton Dixion on YouTube and play it in the background! Or just listen to it later....but listen to it at anytime during this chapter! (I recommend now! )Oh and I accidentally posted this chapter when i was trying to save, i was in a rush, but it wasn't done so i had to delete it and start over because it wouldn't unpunish!!! XD well anyways um... Enjoy!!)

"Hey do you want know my secret?!" Jimmy said as he threw his knife at us. Terrified, we both dodged it and tried to escape... It was no use...

"Nuuu Jimmy! We want Jordan back!" I shouted.

"Well I'm sorry but Jordan's no longer here.... Hahahaha!!" Jimmy replied. Oh no!! What would papa do?

Jimmy then turned around, while putting his hand out in front of Bethany's frozen sculptor, he began to freeze it even more. It begun to shake like a avalanche falling from the mountain tops, cracking rapidly as it shook. Then Suddenly, with no warning, the statue bursts leaving ice chunks fly everywhere. The huge chunks of ice flew through the air hitting windows and knocked the door clean off....And what use to be a ice figure of Bethany vanished and Bethany fell face first to the ground.

"Sorry about that card friend I didn't mean to make it that cold!" Jimmy said while he was helping Bethany back onto her feet.

"Gwe...gwe....gwe.... GWEGORY!! Ta....ta....ta... Twoo cwold!!!! Bwut tanks any...wa...wa..wa..wa ways!" Card board friend said. Wait a minute, thats not Bethany! Thats card board friend!!

"Of course! Now,What do you want me to do with them?" Jimmy asked. Maxwell tapped me on the shoulder and looked towards the hole in the wall that used to be a door. i slightly nod in response while slowly back up toward the door.

"Gwegwory, twere owur fwiends we nweed to recruit t'em N MWAKE DEM OWNE WUF US.... Hahahaha!!!" Box board friend said as she stared at both of us evilly smirking. (*translation* Gregory there our friends we need to recruit and make them one of us.... You now the rest!) Jimmy nods and follows her, Now they're both walking towards us. But we have a chance to get out before they can recruit us because Maxwell and I are almost out the door, we just have to back up a few more steps and we're out! Then we can find everyone and Angela can bring them to their senses again!

"HELLWO GWEGWORY!!!" Box friend said to me. For some reason when she said GWEGWORY... I began to shake.... I heard Angela say something about that before she left. It was about Bethany being able to make us go into crazy mode if we needed it to help us fight. But we don't need it right now. Definitely not when we need to be sane to find luna and rescue her!

"HEHEHAHAHA I WANT MY WAFFLES PAPAHHHHH!!!!!" I scream psychologically. Maxwell grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the door. Well...the door way. Anyways, We both ran down stair and into the kitchen to hide. Which now that I think about it wasn't the best choice because there's only one way out... Well POOP!

"Snap out of it!!!" Maxwell said as he slapped me in the face, hard, After the powerful slap I began to calm down.

"Sorry Maxwell she almost had me!" I replied while grabbing and holding my face to lessen the pain.

"It's ok! She did get all up in your face but good things I was able to get out and grab you in time! I AM MAXWELL ACACHALLA!!!!!! FLOUTING BICYCOWWW!!!!" Maxwell shouted but got interrupted by a slap. Yes I slapped him hard but not too hard to the point of making him pass out, or die because of my super strength.

"Maxwell get a grip!!" I shouted.


"It's ok, Now we need to get out of here!"

Suddenly the kitchen door turns into solid ice and Shatters causing pieces of frozen wood to fly everywhere all over the room.

"GWEGWORY!!!!!!!!!" Box friend shouted angrily marching into the room.

"Ah!!!!" Maxwell and I shouted.

"Hey do you to know our secret?" Jimmy said from behind her look all dark and creepy with his glowing eyes and holds his knife in his hand resting it on the other.

"Nu Jimmy! Shut up!" I yelled.

"Never!!! I can talk when ever i want!!" Jimmy replied.

"GWEGWORY SHUT UP!" Box friend yelled.

"Ok!" Jimmy whimper. Wait what?! Wow!!! I guess he's afraid of box friend too, but no one scares Jimmy, NO ONE!!! Dang she must be terrifying to scare him! Great yet another reason to run and get help! I don't want to die darn it!!

"NWOW WHERE WERE WE? OH YAH, J'OIN WUS.... JOO NO JOO WANT TU!!" Box friend said. (*translation* "Now where were we? Oh yah, join us.... You know you want to!!" Lol sorry I don't really know why I'm making her talk in derp. XD)

"NEVER!!!" Maxwell said sounding sorta like billy we he doesn't want to sign Maddie's shirt.

"W'LL DEN WE'LL HWAVE TU MWAKE JOO J'OIN WUS DEN!" Box friend threatened. (*translation* well then we'll have to make you join us then.) Suddenly vines burst through windows, grabbing our arms and legs they take us outside into the deeps of the tree. One wrong step and we could fall to our death or severely brake our legs.

"I WUZ T'YING TU BA NWICE BUT NUUU! JOO UN'ANTED TO MWAKE IT HWARD!!" Box friend yell as she climbed out the window. (Dang I couldn't even read it and I wrote it! *translation* I was trying to be nice but nooo!! You wanted to make it hard!) Maxwell and I struggled to get out of the vines. Yanking and pulling as much as we could, but it was no use because every time we were one yank away from freedom the vines immediately tighten up more and more to the tree making it extremely hard to breathe.

"Swo if hward is wat joo want... DEN HWARD IS WAT JOO GWET!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" (*translation* so if hard is what you want hard is what you'll get) Box friend said spider-maning to the top of the tree getting closer and closer. Wait a minute, what am I doing I got fire powers, she has plant! I can just burn the vines and I'll be home free! But wait, what if i hurt her? I don't want to hurt my sis, Jimmy maybe but box friend not so much!

Jimmy sped up the tree and catapulted himself to a vine he swung to us, with his knife in his hand... *sighs* well....POOP!!!

Ok i know i said I didn't want to hurt my sis but sometimes you have to do thing that you do want to do yah know? I began to stare at the vines making the burst into flames and letting Maxwell and i go free. But there's one problem, we're falling, fast! Well ok it's not that bad because we can fly anyways! Lol.

After getting enough momentum from falling maxwell and I began to soar through the sky as fast as the wind. I may be able to fly but, I can't fly as high or as fast as maxwell can yet. Why you may ask, because I wasn't trained yet regarding my flying. But, at least we got away right? We did... Get away... Right? Wrong! After a few seconds of freedom a huge vine in a shape of a hand grabbed maxwell's leg pulling him down to the ground. Oh no... Help!!! Looking at the ground below me i see the trees began to turn into ice sculptures below me. I looked up at the direction I was going in and flew as fast as a could! Maybe if i think he's not there he won't be anymore! Yah that should work! Yah it won't.... It didn't! Suddenly I felt a cold sharp pain went through my arm. My arm began to freeze and my vision blurred, my arm because nub and it started to get heavy  i lost my concentration and fell to the ground.

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