Chapter 59 "Strangers"

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                                                             *Lexi's P.O.V.*

"Alex, what's wrong?" I say, pulling him into a long hug.

Alex wept onto my shoulder. "I-It's Nat..,"

I raise an eyebrow. "What happened? Did you guys get into a fight?-"

"He forgot who I was!" Alex interrupted. "He literally walked into the recording studio and took a glance at me and forgot who I was. And it wasn't on purpose!"

"Baby, he's in his fifty's..," I said. "You didn't do anything wrong. He's just becoming an old fart."

Alex nods slowly and sniffles a little bit. "My father was much older when he started losing his memory," He sighs. "I didn't think it would ever happen to Nat. Especially this early!"

"We should visit him and Kenzie more," I said. "It's been a while, anyway. And the kids haven't seen them either. It would be fun if they had more time to spend with their cousins, too."

"I'll call Kenzie and ask if we can go visit them sometime," Alex said.

I nodded. "I was just about to make dinner."

"Oh cool," Alex smiles a little. "What are you making?"

"I don't know," I chuckled. "But it'll taste good, I promise."

Alex shakes his head playfully and kisses me, softly. "I love you, Lexi..,"

I kissed him back. "I love you more..,"

Alex pulls me into another kiss. 

Alex and I made plans with Nat and Kenzie for that weekend. The kids were excited to go, which was a relief to say the least. Now that the twins are teenagers, they want to do their own things and hang out with their friends. But either way, Alex and I would've forced them to come to another family gathering. And since Anabelle was the baby of the family, she was happy to be doing anything! 

As Alex pulled up to Nat and Kenzie's place, he just stared at their house. It was as if he was in a daze or something. I lightly poked him on the shoulder. "Babe, are you ready to go inside?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, yeah..,"

I hopped out of my seat and we all got out of the car. Anabelle rang the doorbell and we were greeted by Jason. 

"Hey guys," Jason smiles. "Come on in. Everyone is in the living room."

The kids, Alex and I went inside. Nat and Kenzie actually moved into Alex and Nat's parent's house. We hadn't been there in forever, but everything still looked the same. Shane, Nate and Jason were all hanging out in the living room.

"Where's your mom?" I asked Jason.

"She's helping dad," He said. 

"Yeah," Shane said. "Now that dad is an old fart, he needs help going to the bathroom and shit."

"Hey!" Anabelle says. "Mommy, Shane said a bad word!"

"Whoops, my bad..," Shane shakes his head. "But I wasn't wrong when I said my dad is an old fart."

"You shouldn't talk about him like that," Nate said.

"I agree," Alex chimed in. "He's a good man and a good brother, and an amazing father."

Soon, Nat and Kenzie came downstairs. 

"Look honey!" Kenzie said. "It's Alex, Lexi, and your nieces and nephew."

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