Chapter 40 "The One That Got Away"

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                                                                   *Alex's P.O.V.*

"M-Mom?" I whispered onto the phone. "What's going on? Why are you awake this early?"

"Alexander, this is no time for asking questions!" My Mom hissed. 

My eyes widened. She never freaked out on me like that before!

"What's going on?" I asked.

My mother broke down in tears. "H-He's dead!"

I dropped my phone on the bed and began to tear up. My father is dead, and nobody had gotten the chance to say goodbye to him. And I know that the worst thing was that him and Nat never got along, but we all knew that Nat wanted to make amends with him before he passed away. But now, it won't happen. 

As I lay in bed with tears in my eyes, I could hear my mom still crying over the phone. I picked it up. 

"H-How did this happen?" I asked.

"Bella broke into our house and murdered him!" She said. 

That fucking bitch!

"Did you call the police?" I asked.

"Yes, but once they came to the house, she escaped!" She said.

I wiped my tears away from my eyes. "I-Is Dad still with you?"

At this point, Lexi had woken up. But she didn't say anything.

"An ambulance came and took him to the hospital," She says, letting out a sigh. "Not that there's anything they CAN do to save his life."

I nodded. "I'll let Nat know, and we'll meet you there."

"Okay honey," She said. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, then hung up the phone.

"Alex, what's going on?" Lexi asked.

"Bella broke into my parents' house and killed my father!" I said. "I-I have to meet her at the hospital right now."

"That bitch!" Lexi cried. "What is wrong with Bella?!"

"Trust me, you don't want to know!" I sighed. 

I got out of bed and put on a shirt and sweatpants. I didn't care to brush my hair or teeth before I left, so I put on a beanie and grabbed a pack of mints from my nightstand. I kissed Lexi and told her that I would give her updates while we're there, and went to find Nat. 

I knocked on Kenzie and Nat's bedroom door. They were both on the bed, crying.

"I-I n-never got to say g-g-goodbye!" Nat cried into Kenzie's chest.

I went over to him and sat by his legs. "I'm going over to the hospital to see him. Mom is coming, too."

Nat slowly lifted his head. "Can I go?"

I nodded. "I told Mom that we were both going, anyway."

He nodded and slowly got up, wiping away his tears.

Soon, we both left the house and met our mom at the hospital. Nat and I both ran up to her and hugged her, tightly.

"Has Dr. Jonas said anything about Dad?" I asked.

"Well, he's not dead yet," She said.

Nat and I look at each other.

"What do you mean?" Nat asked.

"He was pronounced dead at the scene back at home," She said. "But after about an hour when the ambulance finally came, they found a pulse." She let out a sigh. "They were able to fix his stab wounds, but he will remain in critical condition. He can't talk or walk. All he CAN do as of right now is lay in his deathbed."

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