Chapter 42 "The Way It Seems"

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                                                                   *Kenzie's P.O.V.*

I couldn't fathom what Vicki had just told me. What the hell does she know about me or my kids? She could probably care less. Nat had told me that she only likes Alex, anyway. And now that I'm pregnant, my mood can start off being super happy, and then the slightest thing can just piss me off in a split second.

Vicki glanced at Shane, then back at me. "Can we talk, privately?"

I roll my eyes. "Why? So then you can make fun of me some more?"

She let out a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry if I offended you. I just wanted to help you because I know that you and Nat have been stressed out lately and have been going through a lot."

I raised an eyebrow. "W-Who told you?"

"Alex told me," She said.

She's lying. Alex would never tell anyone about Nat and I's marriage or our issues! He promised that he would keep his mouth shut. 

Before I could say anything, Shane tugged on my shirt.

"Mommy, can I watch Elmo now?" He asked.

I let out a sigh. "Yes, sweetheart."

Shane smiled and then sat on the floor, watching his movie.

I glanced at the doorway, and there stood my husband Nat.

"Everything alright in here?" He asks, as he walks over towards me. He then kisses me softly on the lips.

I smile, briefly at him. "I suppose so."

He smiles back. "How are you feeling?"

I nod. "I'm okay."

I wasn't okay. And I'm pretty sure that Nat could tell that I wasn't.

Vicki's pager went off. "It looks like Michael has woken up from his nap," She said. "I'll see if I can get him to walk downstairs. Are you guys coming?"

"We'll be down in a minute," Nat said.

Once Vicki had left the room, Nat immediately pulled me into a long awaited hug. After about thirty seconds or so, he stopped and then cupped his hands in my cheeks. 

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head. "This is for another time," I told him. "I-I don't want to cause any trouble here while we're visiting your father."

Nat nodded. "Are you feeling alright, though?"

"A little light headed, but that's normal for women in the state I am currently in," I said.

Nat nodded. "Let's go downstairs. Alex and Lexi just arrived with the twins, and I think we are going to be eating soon."

"Okay," I let out another sigh.

As Nat and I walked downstairs, my mind just kept running through what Vicki had said about me being a terrible mother. I mean, I'll admit it. I'm not perfect. And neither is Nat. Even though we have been parents to the triplets for three in a half years, doesn't mean that we have to be perfect parents. We don't hate our children. Nat and I could never do that. But I just don't understand why Vicki would even say that to my face, RIGHT in front of my kids! We've only met twice, and Nat and I know that she probably doesn't care. Like I said before, she only likes Alex.

Now that everyone had arrived to Polly and Michael's house, we were all eager to finally see Michael after his major surgery. While we were all eating dinner, he seemed pretty happy to see everyone. Except for some odd reason, he wouldn't build up the courage to talk to Nat. 

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