Chapter 29 "Date Night Gone Wrong"

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*A few weeks later.*

                                                                               *Nat's P.O.V.*

Tonight, Kenzie and I are going out on a date. I invited my good friend Justice Smith, (Yes, my costar from Paper Towns.) to watch the boys while we're gone. I would've asked Alex and Lexi to watch them, but they left to go on a vacation with the twins. 

"Daddy, where are you and Mommy going?" Jason asked.

"We're just going out to dinner and a movie," I said. "Uncle Justice is going to come over and watch you guys, so I want you all to be on your best behavior."

"Uncle Justice is weird!" Shane said. 

I raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

"The last time he watched us, I had to go potty, and he stared at me the entire time!" he said.

"Well, I'll tell him to give you your privacy this time," I said.

Shane crossed his arms. "He kept looking at my wiener!"

I chuckled. "I don't need details, Shane."

Twenty minutes later, Justice arrived.

I opened the door and gave him a hug. "Hey, man!"

"Hey!" Justice said. "How are you? It's so nice to see you again."

"I'm doing alright," I said. "Come on in."

Justice and I walked into the living room. "Where are the boys?"

Jason and Nate walked downstairs and ran towards him. "UNCLE JUSTICE!"

Justice smiled and hugged them. "Hey guys! Man, you two have gotten big!"

They giggled.

Kenzie came downstairs carrying Shane. "You don't have to be shy, sweetie?"

Shane hid his head so hopefully we couldn't see him. We did.

I went over and rubbed Shane's back. "What's wrong?"

"Shane doesn't want us to leave," Kenzie said. "He wants to come with us."

"Shane, you can't go," I said. "You're going to have a lot of fun with Uncle Justice."

"I brought a movie for us to watch," Justice said. "We can watch it before we go to bed, alright?"

"W-What movie?" Shane asked.

"It's a Sesame Street one," he said.

I looked at the movie. "We already have that one, bro."

"Oh, my bad," he said. 

"D-Does it have Daddy in it?" Shane asked.

"Yes, it does," I said.

Justice raised an eyebrow. "I'm not even going to ask."

I smirked. "Mommy and I have to get going. You guys be good for Uncle Justice, okay?"

"P-Please don't go!" Shane cried. "Who's going to tell us a bedtime story, or kiss us goodnight?!"

"I will," Justice said. 

"We'll be back before you know it," Kenzie said.

Shane sniffled. "Y-You guys always leave!"

I sighed and took Shane from Kenzie. "Do you want me to put you in the naughty corner?"

"N-No!" he cried some more.

"Where I'm Goin'" - (A Sequel to "Wolff Love")Where stories live. Discover now