Chapter 55 "All I Needed"

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                                                          *Alex's P.O.V*

After that crazy phone call from the adoption agency, I was so pissed off that I just lost it in front of Lexi and now she's mad at me. Why the fuck would I need to be told by someone I don't even know to tell me that in order for this whole adoption process to be done and over with, is that I need to get a normal job?! I make music for a living, and I occasionally act or direct movies to provide enough money for my family and I. If I'm making money out of it, then who gives a shit? I don't want to let anyone down if I decide to quit altogether. Not that I'm going to, anyway. I just don't know. Lexi and I could always find a different child to adopt if things don't go through with this one, but we've already been through enough stress as it is. Fostering, bonding, and adopting with the child we wanted to add to our family was just so special. And leaving this one for another is really disappointing.

I needed to talk to Lexi, but I also needed a few minutes to calm my titties for once. So with that being said, I went in the backyard with the family and got myself a beer. My mom had finally arrived so I went ahead and greeted her. I could tell that she had been crying because her mascara was running a little bit and she was dressed in dark clothing, which was a rare sight for sore eyes. Or for me, anyway.

"Thanks for coming Mom," I said. "Lexi and I really appreciate it."

She nodded. "I needed some time away from home for once."

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "I know it's been a week since Dad died...,-"

My mom let out a sigh. "Honestly, I'm just a mess."

"I kind of figured that," I say under my breath.

She raises an eyebrow at me and shakes her head. "I didn't think that I would be THIS depressed after he passed away, because we all knew that his time with us was limited. But I'm just glad that he's not suffering anymore. Since that night of his passing, and well even before he died I've been smoking every now and then."

My eyes widened. "Y-You what?"

My mom let out a sigh. "I-I'm sorry, sweetie...,"

"You stopped smoking thirty years ago!" I told her, but loud enough to where everyone else could hear me. "Why couldn't you just stress eat or something like Nat does?! Or go to fucking therapy?!"

Nat butt into the conversation. "Hey, I don't stress eat! Where the fuck did you hear that from?!"

"Come on man!" I said. "We all know that you've been gaining weight. Don't lie about it."

"It was for a MOVIE!" Nat complained. "I had to gain weight for the roll I played and I've had a little bit of trouble losing it. So what?! At least my wife still loves me for who I am and doesn't care about looks."

"Yeah, that's cause Kenzie has a fetish for Jabba the Hut like you!" I said.

"Okay, THAT'S IT!" Nat yelled.

Within seconds, Nat and I were in a brawl between one another. Everyone around us were all screaming to tell us to stop. I had Nat on top of me trying to kill the living daylights out of me too, which wasn't what I had expected. 

"GET OFF OF ME, YOU TUB OF LARD!" I yelled as I tried to punch Nat in the face.

"NEVER!!!" Nat screams.

Eventually, Kenzie pulled Nat off of me. "What the hell is the matter with you?!" She asks, furiously. "You could've killed him for god's sake!"

"He called me Jabba the Hut!" Nat said. "What else was I supposed to do?!"

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