Chapter 20 "Parenthood Times Two"

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*A few days after the twins were born, Alex and Lexi were able to go home. Kenzie on the other hand, had to stay in the hospital because she continued to have a high blood pressure.*

                                                              *Alex's P.O.V.*

When Lexi and I arrived home with the twins, my nephews were all running around the house. All of them were carrying toy lightsabers and were dressed up as Darth Vader. 

"COME TO THE DARK SIDE!" Shane said as he ran towards me.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I said. "Stop yelling. You'll wake up your little cousins!"

"Mommy had them already?!" Nate asked.

Jason walked up to the babies and smiled. "They're so cute!"

I smiled.

"Would you like to hold one, Jason?" Lexi asked him.

Jason nodded. "Yeah!"

"Go sit on the couch," she said. "Do you want to hold Andy or Angelina?"

"I wanna hold Angelina!" he said. 

Lexi and I put the baby carriers on the floor and I took Angelina out of hers. Then I carefully took her over to Jason and helped him hold her. 

"Be very careful with her," I said. "She doesn't like being woken up."

"Tell that to Big Bird!" Shane said. 

Lexi took Andy out of his carrier and sat down next to Jason. "I think Angie likes you, Jason."

Jason smiled and kissed his baby cousin on the forehead.

As Nate and Jason were admiring their little cousins, Shane came running and screamed across the room. "UM HELLO?! I'M STILL HERE!"

Just then, both babies began to cry. "Uh oh."

"When was the last time you changed their diapers?" my mom Polly, asked.

"About an hour ago," I said. "Unless they're hungry."

Lexi nodded. "I'll go make them a bottle."

I nodded back and took Angelina from Jason. "Have you taken your nap yet?"

Jason shook his head. "It's not our nap time yet."

Shane came over and hit Jason with a lightsaber. "Uncle Alex, come play with me!"

Jason immediately started crying. Great. Now I know how Nat and Kenzie felt when the triplets were first born. STRESSED. AS. FUCK.

I turned to Shane and grabbed his lightsaber from him. "Corner. Now."

"B-But Uncle Alex!" Shane whined.

"-No buts!" I said. "Stay in the naughty corner for three minutes."

Shane stomped his foot and sat in the corner. "Come here, Jason."

Jason came over to me and I kissed him on the head. About fifteen minutes later, Lexi came back with some bottles she had made for Angie and Andy. My mom and dad had put the triplets upstairs for their nap. After that, they came back and hung out with Lexi and I and the babies. 

"How does it feel being parents?" Polly asked.

"It's a lot harder than I thought it would be," I said. "I don't know. It's different when we took care of the triplets with Kenzie and Nat."

"How much sleep have you guys gotten since being in the hospital?" Michael asked.

"Not a lot," I laughed.

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