Chapter 33 "Reunited, Once Again!"

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                                                           *Lexi's P.O.V.*

After staying with my family in Oregon for a few days, the babies and I were just about ready to leave. I still miss my husband, Alex. And the babies miss him too. As I packed up my suitcases, my mom was upset that I wanted to just leave. I just couldn't stand it. The babies and I were both jet lagged, something wasn't right being there without Alex by my side. After a long flight to the U.K., I reunited with Alex! We were a family again. Of course, the babies were both sleeping, but it was just such a relief that I could see Alex again, and hug him, kiss him, and awkwardly poke that cute little mole he has above his lip. Once we got the babies into the car, and we put the suitcases in the back seat, Alex and I got into the car, both sitting next to the babies. Then we drove back to the hotel.

"How was the family, up in Oregon?" asked Alex.

"It sucked," I said. "Everyone was pretty much complaining about working, and the babies weren't really behaving well, either."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "You don't say."

I shook my head. "I-I don't know," I told him. "But you know what was so embarrassing? My uncle kept laughing at Andy, because he kept falling over! He called him clumsy!"

"You're kidding!" Alex said. "How could he say something like that about a one year old?!"

I shrugged. "I honestly have no idea."

Alex sighed. "Well, at least you guys are here with me, and we can be a family again."

"Have you missed us?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said. "I know that it's only been a few days, but I've missed you and the twins a lot more than I should have."

"Didn't you help Nat and Kenzie out with the triplets?" I asked.

Alex nodded. "I sure did."

"They must have been a handful, huh?" I said.

Alex smiled. "Yeah, they were!"

I laughed a little and leaned in to kiss him. Soon our lips met, and everything felt so great about it. We were together again, and nothing could tear us apart. Not even that bitch, Bella!

Once we arrived at the hotel, Alex had some stuff in Kenzie and Nat's room, because he lived there to help them out with the triplets. While he gathered his things, the twins and I hung out in our room. I changed both of their diapers, gave them some snacks, and I put on some cartoons for them to watch, so they wouldn't get bored. After about thirty minutes, both babies were asleep in Alex and I's bed. Alex soon came back and we hung out together, just like we usually did. 

Alex carefully picked up Andy and lays him on his chest, stroking his curly black hair. "Andy hasn't started walking yet, has he?"

"I'm afraid not," I said. "He will soon. I know he will."

Alex nodded. "Later tonight, everyone is going out to eat. Would you like to go?"

"I'd love too!" I said. "I know it's only been a few days, but I've really missed everyone. I've missed you, Nat, Kenzie, my nephews. Everybody."

Alex smiles. "We've missed you, too."

Andy woke up and started to get a little fussy. I got up and fixed him a bottle. Alex is acting strange for some reason. He seems different, somehow. I don't know what it is, or why he's acting weird. I hope he's okay.

                                                                    *Alex's P.O.V.*

I can't believe I did it. Why am I such an idiot? How could I have done such a ridiculous thing like this? Of course, I didn't mean to do it. Should I tell Lexi what happened, while I was gathering my things out of Nat and Kenzie's room? Should I tell her that I kissed my sister in-law, Kenzie? I just, don't want her to be upset. God, I'm an asshole. I'm a fucking asshole. A stupid, fucking asshole! As I was gathering my things, Nat was pissed. I don't want to go out to dinner with him and Kenzie, if he's just going to give me death stares the entire time. Maybe I should fake myself being sick, so then Lexi wouldn't have to go. We could just stay here and order room service, and maybe rent a movie. That is, if they are not all in French. 

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