Chapter 11 "Babysitting"

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                                                                 *Alex's P.O.V.*

Now that Lexi and I are living in our own apartment, it's been pretty nice. My parents always visit us and help us pay the bills and everything, which is cool I guess. But, I think Lexi and I would appreciate it a lot more if they weren't constantly coming over. Me and Lexi need our alone time together as a couple, and they need to respect that. Now that we're both graduated from high school and all of that, I've been trying to think about how I could propose to Lexi. She's graduating from college in about three weeks, so I was thinking about taking her out to dinner afterwards and then popping the big question.

Lexi had gotten up earlier that I had. I was already awake, but i just laid around in my bed the entire time. Or, until she had left to go to school.

Lexi walked towards me and sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey sweetie," she said. "I'm going to school now, so I'll be home later this evening."

I nodded. "Good luck on your finals."

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "I love you."

I smiled back. "I love you, too."

Then our lips touched, and she was out the door.

As I sat around in my bed, I had gotten a call from Nat. 

"Hey man!" I said. "How's it going?-"

"-Shane, stop hitting Jason!" He yelled. 

Oh, did I mention that I'm an uncle now? I have three nephews named Shane, Nate, and Jason. They're two year old triplets. I love them to death, but god, they are a handful!

"Nat, what's going on?" I asked.

"Hey bro, do you think you could help me watch the boys today?" Nat asked. "Kenzie has meetings all day today, and I could use the help."

I sighed. "Nat, I would love to help, but I have plans today!-"

"-Which consists of laying around in bed all day?" He asked.

I sighed again. "Fine," I said. "I'll be over in twenty minutes."


I hung up the phone. Then I got dressed and drove over to Kenzie and Nat's house. When I rang the doorbell, I was greeted by my nephew, Nate. 

"Hey Nate!" I said. "Can I come in?"

He nodded. "Daddy's in the living room."

I nodded back. "Thanks."

As I walked into the living room, Nat was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, I saw my nephew Shane running around the house completely naked. Nat was chasing after him.

"UNCLE ALEX!" Shane screamed, running towards me. "SAVE ME!"

I looked down at him, then at Nat. He was furious.

"Shane, come here!" he said, picking him up. "We're going to put your clothes back on, and you will go sit in the naughty corner for two minutes!"

"I-I didn't mean to have another accident!" Shane cried. "P-Please don't let me sit in the corner!"

Nat shook his head, then he put Shane's clothes back on and sat him down in the corner.

"Sorry about that," Nat sighed. "I've had a rough start to my morning."

I nodded. "It's cool," I told him. "I'm here to help you out, so you don't have to worry about a thing."

Nat sat down in his recliner. "So, how have you and Lexi been?"

"Where I'm Goin'" - (A Sequel to "Wolff Love")Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ