Chapter 37 "I Miss My Family"

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                                                                        *Nat's P.O.V.*

I've been in the hospital for a couple of days now, and I am finally able to go home. Kenzie and I can't wait to see our children again. Although it wasn't a major surgery I had to help fix my snoring problem, Dr. Jonas decided that I should stay an extra day just to make sure everything looks good. I feel bad for Kenzie. She doesn't like seeing me like this, or what I had looked like two days ago. After my surgery, I had a seizure. My first one, to be exact. Nobody knows why or how it happened. It just sort of, happened.

As I waited for Dr. Jonas to come to check up on me before we left, Kenzie was busy signing discharge papers and I was stuck in bed, looking at my feet.

I sighed, deeply. 

Kenzie stopped what she was doing and came over towards me. "What's wrong?"

"I just want to go home and snuggle our boys, that's all," I say to her.

She kissed me on the forehead. "We'll go home in a little while, I promise."

I nodded. "I know."

"Why don't you watch TV while we're waiting?" She asked, handing me the remote. "That'll cheer you up."

"There's only like, three channels!" I whined. 

Kenzie crossed her arms. "Well, there's also some magazines I brought from home. Would you like to look through them?"

I glanced at her and scoffed. "They're not those shitty ones about periods and celebrities, are they?"

She cringed her face at me, then raises an eyebrow. "Honey, why are you acting strange all of a sudden?"

I began to break down. "I-It's these stupid meds! They make me feel weird!"

"I'll go get Joe," She says, walking away. "He'll know what to do!"

And suddenly, I had woken up. I was drenched in my own sweat.

"DON'T LEAVE ME!" I cried.

I didn't even realize that Kenzie was sleeping next to me. I had startled her so much that she rolled off the bed, shrieking a little.

"Kenzie, are you okay?!" I asked, while I was catching my breath.

"What the hell just happened?!" She asks me. 

I shake my head. "I-I'm sorry! I-I just had a bad dream. It felt more as if it was Dejavu."

Kenzie got up and sat next to me again and hugged me. "Y-You're okay, right?"

"I think so," I said.

She nodded. "Well, I signed all the discharge papers. And Dr. Jonas says that you'll be fine. We can go home now."

I smiled. "It's about time."

*Kenzie and Nat go home.*

Once Kenzie and I had gotten home, the triplets were already put down for their naps. While they were sleeping, Kenzie and I quietly went into their room to check on them. Shane was snuggling his Elmo toy, Nate was sucking his thumb, and Jason was all sprawled out in his bed. After checking on the boys, I went into Kenzie and I's bedroom to charge my phone. I didn't want to go downstairs with everyone else because I'm still upset with Alex. I decided to just stay upstairs until Kenzie came back to talk about why I stayed up here.

"Where I'm Goin'" - (A Sequel to "Wolff Love")जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें